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Creators/Authors contains: "Wu, Lemeng"

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  1. Despite the great success of deep learning, recent works show that large deep neural networks are often highly redundant and can be significantly reduced in size. However, the theoretical question of how much we can prune a neural network given a specified tolerance of accuracy drop is still open. This paper provides one answer to this question by proposing a greedy optimization based pruning method. The proposed method has the guarantee that the discrepancy between the pruned network and the original network decays with exponentially fast rate w.r.t. the size of the pruned network, under weak assumptions that apply for most practical settings. Empirically, our method improves prior arts on pruning various network architectures including ResNet, MobilenetV2/V3 on ImageNet. 
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  2. We propose firefly neural architecture descent, a general framework for progressively and dynamically growing neural networks to jointly optimize the networks' parameters and architectures. Our method works in a steepest descent fashion, which iteratively finds the best network within a functional neighborhood of the original network that includes a diverse set of candidate network structures. By using Taylor approximation, the optimal network structure in the neighborhood can be found with a greedy selection procedure. We show that firefly descent can flexibly grow networks both wider and deeper, and can be applied to learn accurate but resource-efficient neural architectures that avoid catastrophic forgetting in continual learning. Empirically, firefly descent achieves promising results on both neural architecture search and continual learning. In particular, on a challenging continual image classification task, it learns networks that are smaller in size but have higher average accuracy than those learned by the state-of-the-art methods. 
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  3. We develop a progressive training approach for neural networks which adaptively grows the network structure by splitting existing neurons to multiple off-springs. By leveraging a functional steepest descent idea, we derive a simple criterion for deciding the best subset of neurons to split and a splitting gradient for optimally updating the off-springs. Theoretically, our splitting strategy is a second-order functional steepest descent for escaping saddle points in an infty-Wasserstein metric space, on which the standard parametric gradient descent is a first-order steepest descent. Our method provides a new computationally efficient approach for optimizing neural network structures, especially for learning lightweight neural architectures in resource-constrained settings. 
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