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Dry weather pollution sources cause coastal water quality problems that are not accounted for in existing beach advisory metrics. A 1D wave-driven advection and loss model was developed for a 30 km nearshore domain spanning the United States/Mexico border region. Bathymetric nonuniformities, such as the inlet and shoal near the Tijuana River estuary mouth, were neglected. Nearshore alongshore velocities were estimated by using wave properties at an offshore location. The 1D model was evaluated using the hourly output of a 3D regional hydrodynamic model. The 1D model had high skill in reproducing the spatially averaged alongshore velocities from the 3D model. The 1D and 3D models agreed on tracer exceedance or nonexceedance above a human illness probability threshold for 87% of model time steps. 1D model tracer was well-correlated with targeted water samples tested for DNA-based human fecal indicators. This demonstrates that a simple, computationally fast, 1D nearshore wave-driven advection model can reproduce nearshore tracer evolution from a 3D model over a range of wave conditions ignoring bathymetric nonuniformities at this site and may be applicable to other locations.more » « less
Multiple-surface segmentation in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images is a challenging problem, further complicated by the frequent presence of weak image boundaries. Recently, many deep learning-based methods have been developed for this task and yield remarkable performance. Unfortunately, due to the scarcity of training data in medical imaging, it is challenging for deep learning networks to learn the global structure of the target surfaces, including surface smoothness. To bridge this gap, this study proposes to seamlessly unify a U-Net for feature learning with a constrained differentiable dynamic programming module to achieve end-to-end learning for retina OCT surface segmentation to explicitly enforce surface smoothness. It effectively utilizes the feedback from the downstream model optimization module to guide feature learning, yielding better enforcement of global structures of the target surfaces. Experiments on Duke AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and JHU MS (multiple sclerosis) OCT data sets for retinal layer segmentation demonstrated that the proposed method was able to achieve subvoxel accuracy on both datasets, with the mean absolute surface distance (MASD) errors of 1.88 ± 1.96
μm and 2.75 ± 0.94μm , respectively, over all the segmented surfaces. -
Purpose To investigate relationships between blood pressure and the thickness of single retinal layers in the macula. Methods Participants of the population-based Beijing Eye Study, free of retinal or optic nerve disease, underwent medical and ophthalmological examinations including optical coherence tomographic examination of the macula. Applying a multiple-surface segmentation solution, we automatically segmented the retina into its various layers. Results The study included 2237 participants (mean age 61.8±8.4 years, range 50–93 years). Mean thicknesses of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), ganglion cell layer (GCL), inner plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer (INL), outer plexiform layer, outer nuclear layer/external limiting membrane, ellipsoid zone, photoreceptor outer segments (POS) and retinal pigment epithelium–Bruch membrane were 31.1±2.3 µm, 39.7±3.5 µm, 38.4±3.3 µm, 34.8±2.0 µm, 28.1±3.0 µm, 79.2±7.3 µm, 22.9±0.6 µm, 19.2±3.3 µm and 20.7±1.4 µm, respectively. In multivariable analysis, higher systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were associated with thinner GCL and thicker INL, after adjusting for age, sex and axial length (all p<0.0056). Higher SBP was additionally associated with thinner POS and higher DBP with thinner RNFL. For an elevation of SBP/DBP by 10 mm Hg, the RNFL, GCL, INL and POS changed by 2.0, 3.0, 1.5 and 2.0 µm, respectively. Conclusions Thickness of RNFL, GCL and POS was inversely and INL thickness was positively associated with higher blood pressure, while the thickness of the other retinal layers was not significantly correlated with blood pressure. The findings may be helpful for refinement of the morphometric detection of retinal diseases.more » « less
Faeder, James R. (Ed.)The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 has placed a significant burden on public health systems to provide swift and accurate diagnostic testing highlighting the critical need for innovative testing approaches for future pandemics. In this study, we present a novel sample pooling procedure based on compressed sensing theory to accurately identify virally infected patients at high prevalence rates utilizing an innovative viral RNA extraction process to minimize sample dilution. At prevalence rates ranging from 0–14.3%, the number of tests required to identify the infection status of all patients was reduced by 69.26% as compared to conventional testing in primary human SARS-CoV-2 nasopharyngeal swabs and a coronavirus model system. Our method provided quantification of individual sample viral load within a pool as well as a binary positive-negative result. Additionally, our modified pooling and RNA extraction process minimized sample dilution which remained constant as pool sizes increased. Compressed sensing can be adapted to a wide variety of diagnostic testing applications to increase throughput for routine laboratory testing as well as a means to increase testing capacity to combat future pandemics.more » « less
Išgum, Ivana ; Colliot, Olivier (Ed.)