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Mountain snowpack provides critical water resources for forest and meadow ecosystems that are experiencing rapid change due to global warming. An accurate characterization of snowpack heterogeneity in these ecosystems requires snow cover observations at high spatial resolutions, yet most existing snow cover datasets have a coarse resolution. To advance our observation capabilities of snow cover in meadows and forests, we developed a machine learning model to generate snow-covered area (SCA) maps from PlanetScope imagery at about 3-m spatial resolution. The model achieves a median F1 score of 0.75 for 103 cloud-free images across four different sites in the Western United States and Switzerland. It is more accurate (F1 score = 0.82) when forest areas are excluded from the evaluation. We further tested the model performance across 7,741 mountain meadows at the two study sites in the Sierra Nevada, California. It achieved a median F1 score of 0.83, with higher accuracy for larger and simpler geometry meadows than for smaller and more complexly shaped meadows. While mapping SCA in regions close to or under forest canopy is still challenging, the model can accurately identify SCA for relatively large forest gaps (i.e., 15m < DCE < 27m), with a median F1 score of 0.87 across the four study sites, and shows promising accuracy for areas very close (>10m) to forest edges. Our study highlights the potential of high-resolution satellite imagery for mapping mountain snow cover in forested areas and meadows, with implications for advancing ecohydrological research in a world expecting significant changes in snow.more » « less
This paper describes a framework allowing intraoperative photoacoustic (PA) imaging integrated into minimally invasive surgical systems. PA is an emerging imaging modality that combines the high penetration of ultrasound (US) imaging with high optical contrast. With PA imaging, a surgical robot can provide intraoperative neurovascular guidance to the operating physician, alerting them of the presence of vital substrate anatomy invisible to the naked eye, preventing complications such as hemorrhage and paralysis. Our proposed framework is designed to work with the da Vinci surgical system: real-time PA images produced by the framework are superimposed on the endoscopic video feed with an augmented reality overlay, thus enabling intuitive three-dimensional localization of critical anatomy. To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed framework, we first conducted experimental studies in a phantom with known geometry, which revealed a volumetric reconstruction error of 1.20 ± 0.71 mm. We also conducted an
ex vivo study by embedding blood-filled tubes into chicken breast, demonstrating the successful real-time PA-augmented vessel visualization onto the endoscopic view. These results suggest that the proposed framework could provide anatomical and functional feedback to surgeons and it has the potential to be incorporated into robot-assisted minimally invasive surgical procedures. -
There is a large community of people with hand disabilities, and these disabilities can be a barrier to those looking to retain or pursue surgical careers. With the development of surgical robotics technologies, it may be possible to develop user interfaces to accommodate these individuals. This paper proposes a hand-free control method for the gripper of a patient side manipulator (PSM) in the da Vinci surgical system. Using electromyography (EMG) signals, a proportional control method was tested on its ability to grasp a pressure sensor. These preliminary results demonstrate that the user can reliably control the grasping motion of the da Vinci PSM using this system. There is a strong correlation between grasping force and normalized EMG signal (r= 0.874). Moreover, the gripper can generate a step grasping force output when feeding in a generated step signal. The results in this paper demonstrate the system integration of a research EMG system with the da Vinci surgical system and are a step towards developing accessible teleoperation systems for surgeons with disabilities. Hand-free control for remaining degrees of freedom in the PSM is under development using additional input from the motion capture system.more » « less
Improving high-resolution (meter-scale) mapping of snow-covered areas in complex and forested terrains is critical to understanding the responses of species and water systems to climate change. Commercial high-resolution imagery from Planet Labs, Inc. (Planet, San Francisco, CA, USA) can be used in environmental science, as it has both high spatial (0.7–3.0 m) and temporal (1–2 day) resolution. Deriving snow-covered areas from Planet imagery using traditional radiometric techniques have limitations due to the lack of a shortwave infrared band that is needed to fully exploit the difference in reflectance to discriminate between snow and clouds. However, recent work demonstrated that snow cover area (SCA) can be successfully mapped using only the PlanetScope 4-band (Red, Green, Blue and NIR) reflectance products and a machine learning (ML) approach based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). To evaluate how additional features improve the existing model performance, we: (1) build on previous work to augment a CNN model with additional input data including vegetation metrics (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and DEM-derived metrics (elevation, slope and aspect) to improve SCA mapping in forested and open terrain, (2) evaluate the model performance at two geographically diverse sites (Gunnison, Colorado, USA and Engadin, Switzerland), and (3) evaluate the model performance over different land-cover types. The best augmented model used the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) along with visible (red, green, and blue) and NIR bands, with an F-score of 0.89 (Gunnison) and 0.93 (Engadin) and was found to be 4% and 2% better than when using canopy height- and terrain-derived measures at Gunnison, respectively. The NDVI-based model improves not only upon the original band-only model’s ability to detect snow in forests, but also across other various land-cover types (gaps and canopy edges). We examined the model’s performance in forested areas using three forest canopy quantification metrics and found that augmented models can better identify snow in canopy edges and open areas but still underpredict snow cover under forest canopies. While the new features improve model performance over band-only options, the models still have challenges identifying the snow under trees in dense forests, with performance varying as a function of the geographic area. The improved high-resolution snow maps in forested environments can support studies involving climate change effects on mountain ecosystems and evaluations of hydrological impacts in snow-dominated river basins.more » « less