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Creators/Authors contains: "Yang, Lin"

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  1. We investigated the morphology and intracellular motility of mammary epithelial cell ( spheroids cultured in 3D artificial extracellular matrix under perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) exposure. Dynamic optical coherence tomography (OCT) was employed for real-time, non-invasive imaging of these spheroids longitudinally over 12 days under PFOA exposures up to 500 µM. Despite no significant changes in volume or asphericity of spheroids, morphological alterations were observed in OCT images of spheroids at 100 µM on Day 12 and from Day 4 at 500 µM. Intracellular motility was assessed by the inverse-power-law exponent of the speckle fluctuation spectrum (α), and an autocorrelation-based motility amplitude (M). Linear regression indicated that both PFOA concentration and culture time are highly significant predictors for bothαandM(p < 0.001 for all). Both PFOA concentration and culture time have positive associations withαand negative association withM, where increasedαindicates suppression of higher frequency fluctuations (∼> 2 Hz) relative to those at lower frequencies, and decreasedMindicates overall suppression of intracellular motility. This study can lead to the future development of biomarkers for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) exposure using dynamic OCT and its associated toolkit of quantitative metrics.

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  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 28, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 18, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 18, 2025
  5. Abstract

    We search for an optimal filter design for the estimation of stellar metallicity, based on synthetic photometry from Gaia XP spectra convolved with a series of filter-transmission curves defined by different central wavelengths and bandwidths. Unlike previous designs based solely on maximizing metallicity sensitivity, we find that the optimal solution provides a balance between the sensitivity and uncertainty of the spectra. With this optimal filter design, the best precision of metallicity estimates for relatively bright (G∼ 11.5) stars is excellent,σ[Fe/H]= 0.034 dex for FGK dwarf stars, superior to that obtained utilizing custom sensitivity-optimized filters (e.g., SkyMapperv). By selecting hundreds of high-probability member stars of the open cluster M67, our analysis reveals that the intrinsic photometric-metallicity scatter of these cluster members is only 0.036 dex, consistent with this level of precision. Our results clearly demonstrate that the internal precision of photometric-metallicity estimates can be extremely high, even providing the opportunity to perform chemical tagging for very large numbers of field stars in the Milky Way. This experiment shows that it is crucial to take into account uncertainty alongside the sensitivity when designing filters for measuring the stellar metallicity and other parameters.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  6. Abstract

    We present a comprehensive recalibration of narrowband/medium-band and broadband photometry from the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) by leveraging two approaches: an improved Gaia XP synthetic photometry (XPSP) method with corrected Gaia XP spectra, and the stellar color regression (SCR) method with corrected Gaia Early Data Release 3 photometric data and spectroscopic data from LAMOST Data Release 7. Through the use of millions of stars as standards per band, we demonstrate the existence of position-dependent systematic errors, up to 23 mmag for the main survey region, in the S-PLUS iDR4 photometric data. A comparison between the XPSP and SCR methods reveals minor differences in zero-point offsets, typically within the range of 1–6 mmag, indicating the accuracy of the recalibration, and a twofold to threefold improvement in the zero-point precision. During this process, we also verify and correct for systematic errors related to CCD position. The corrected S-PLUS iDR4 photometric data will provide a solid data foundation for conducting scientific research that relies on high-precision calibration. Our results underscore the power of the XPSP method in combination with the SCR method, showcasing their effectiveness in enhancing calibration precision for wide-field surveys when combined with Gaia photometry and XP spectra, to be applied for other S-PLUS subsurveys.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 21, 2025