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Creators/Authors contains: "Zhao, Hong"

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  1. Abstract

    During active geomagnetic periods both electrons and protons in the outer radiation belt have been frequently observed to penetrate to lowL(<4). Previous studies have demonstrated systematic differences in the deep penetration of the two species of particles, most notably that the penetration of protons is observed less frequently than for electrons of the same energies. A recent study by Mei et al. (2023, showed that the time‐varying convection electric field contributes to the deeper penetration of low‐energy electrons and that a radial diffusion‐convection model can be used to reproduce the storm‐time penetration of lower‐energy electrons to lowerL. In this study, we analyze and provide physical explanations for the different behaviors of electrons and protons in terms of their penetration depth to lowL. A radial diffusion‐convection model is applied for the two species with coefficients that are adjusted according to the mass‐dependent relativistic effects on electron and proton drift velocity, and the different loss mechanisms included for each species. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave scattering losses for 100s of keV protons during a specific event are modeled and quantified; the results suggest that EMIC waves interacting with protons of lower energies than electrons can contribute to prevent the inward transport of the protons.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Chorus waves are intense electromagnetic emissions critical in modulating electron dynamics. In this study, we perform two‐dimensional particle‐in‐cell simulations to investigate self‐consistent wave‐particle interactions with oblique chorus waves. We first analyze the electron dynamics sampled from cyclotron and Landau resonances with waves, and then quantify the advection and diffusion coefficients through statistical studies. It is found that phase‐trapped cyclotron resonant electrons satisfy the second‐order resonance condition and gain energy from waves. While phase‐bunched cyclotron resonant electrons cannot remain in resonance for long periods. They transfer energy to waves and are scattered to smaller pitch angles. Landau resonant electrons are primarily energized by waves. For both types of resonances, advection coefficients are greater than diffusion coefficients when the wave amplitude is large. Our study highlights the important role of advection in electron dynamics modulation resulting from nonlinear wave‐particle interactions.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 28, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Deep penetration of outer radiation belt electrons to lowL(<3.5) has long been recognized as an energy‐dependent phenomenon but with limited understanding. The Van Allen Probes measurements have clearly shown energy‐dependent electron penetration during geomagnetically active times, with lower energy electrons penetrating to lowerL. This study aims to improve our ability to model this phenomenon by quantitatively considering radial transport due to large‐scale azimuthal electric fields (E‐fields) as an energy‐dependent convection term added to a radial diffusion Fokker‐Planck equation. We use a modified Volland‐Stern model to represent the enhanced convection field at lowerLto match the observations of storm time values ofE‐field. We model 10–400 MeV/G electron phase space density with an energy‐dependent radial diffusion coefficient and this convection term and show that the model reproduces the observed deep penetrations well, suggesting that time‐variant azimuthalE‐fields contribute preferentially to the deep penetration of lower‐energy electrons.

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  4. Two differently substituted pyrazole ligands have been investigated with regard to the topology of their Pt complexes: upon deprotonation, two mononuclear 1:2 PtII-pyrazole complexes—one of the sterically unhindered 4-Me-pzH and one of the bulky 3,5-tBu-pzH (pzH = pyrazole)—yield the corresponding 1:2 PtII-pyrazolato species; the former a triangular, trinuclear metallacycle (1), and the latter a dinuclear, half-lantern species (2) formed via the unprecedented cyclometallation of a butyl group. Stoichiometric oxidation of the colorless PtII2 complex produces the deep-blue, metal–metal bonded PtIII2 analog (3) with a rarely encountered unsymmetrical coordination across the Pt-Pt bond. All three complexes have been characterized by single crystal X-ray structure determination, 1H-NMR, IR, and UV-vis-NIR spectroscopic methods. The XPS spectra of the PtII2 and PtIII2 species are also reported. Density functional theory calculations were carried out to investigate the electronic structure, spectroscopic properties, and chemical bonding of the new complexes. The calculated natural population analysis charges and Wiberg bonding indices indicate a weak σ-interaction in the case of 2 and a formal Pt-Pt single bond in 3. 
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  5. Compared to traditional rigid-bodied robots, soft robots are constructed using physically flexible/elastic bodies and electronics to mimic nature and enable novel applications in industry, healthcare, aviation, military, etc. Recently, the fabrication of robots on soft matter with great flexibility and compliance has enabled smooth and sophisticated ‘multi-degree-of-freedom’ 3D actuation to seamlessly interact with humans, other organisms and non-idealized environments in a highly complex and controllable manner. Herein, we summarize the fabrication approaches, driving strategies, novel applications, and future trends of soft robots. Firstly, we introduce the different fabrication approaches to prepare soft robots and compare and systematically discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Then, we present the actuator-based and material-based driving strategies of soft robotics and their characteristics. The representative applications of soft robotics in artificial intelligence, medicine, sensors, and engineering are summarized. Also, some remaining challenges and future perspectives in soft robotics are provided. This work highlights the recent advances of soft robotics in terms of functional material selection, structure design, control strategies and biomimicry, providing useful insights into the development of next-generation functional soft robotics. 
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  6. Many spacecraft fly within or through a natural and variable particle accelerator powered by the coupling between the magnetosphere and the solar wind: the Earth’s radiation belts. Determining the dominant pathways to plasma energization is a central challenge for radiation belt science and space weather alike. Inward radial transport from an external source was originally thought to be the most important acceleration process occurring in the radiation belts. Yet, when modeling relied on a radial diffusion equation including electron lifetimes, notable discrepancies in model-observation comparisons highlighted a need for improvement. Works by Professor Richard M. Thorne and others showed that energetic (hundreds of keV) electrons interacting with whistler-mode chorus waves could be efficiently accelerated to very high energies. The same principles were soon transposed to understand radiation belt dynamics at Jupiter and Saturn. These results led to a paradigm shift in our understanding of radiation belt acceleration, supported by observations of a growing peak in the radial profile of the phase space density for the most energetic electrons of the Earth’s outer belt. Yet, quantifying the importance of local acceleration at the gyroscale, versus large-scale acceleration associated with radial transport, remains controversial due to various sources of uncertainty. The objective of this review is to provide context to understand the variety of challenges associated with differentiating between the two main radiation belt acceleration processes: radial transport and local acceleration. Challenges range from electron flux measurement analysis to radiation belt modeling based on a three-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation. We also provide recommendations to inform future research on radiation belt radial transport and local acceleration. 
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  7. Abstract

    CIRBE (Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment), a 3U CubeSat, was launched on 15 April 2023 into a sun synchronous orbit (97.4° inclination and 509 km altitude). The sole science payload onboard is REPTile‐2 (Relativistic Electron and Proton Telescope integrated little experiment—2), an advanced version of REPTile which operated in space between 2012 and 2014. REPTile‐2 has 60 channels for electrons (0.25–6 MeV) and 60 channels for protons (6.5–100 MeV). It has been working well, capturing detailed dynamics of the radiation belt electrons, including several orders of magnitude enhancements of the outer belt electrons after an intense magnetic storm, multiple “wisps”‐ an electron precipitation phenomenon associated with human‐made very low frequency (VLF) waves in the inner belt, and “drift echoes” of 0.25–1.4 MeV electrons across the entire inner belt and part of the outer belt. These new observations provide opportunities to test the understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for these features.

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