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  1. Abstract

    To investigate how bedrock transforms to soil, we mapped the topography of the interface demarcating onset of weathering under an east‐west trending shale watershed in the Valley and Ridge province in the USA Using wave equation travel‐time tomography from a seismic array of >4,000 geophones, we obtained a 3D P‐wave velocity (Vp) model that resolves structures ∼20 m below land surface (mbls). The depth of mobile soil and the onset of dissolution of chlorite roughly match Vp = 600 m/s and Vp = 2,700 m/s, respectively. Chlorite dissolution initiates porosity growth in the shale matrix. Depth to the 2,700 m/s contour is greater under the N‐ as compared to S‐facing hillslopes and under sub‐planar as compared to concave‐up land surfaces. Broadly, the geometries of the ‘soil’ and ‘chlorite’ Vp contours are consistent with the calculated potential for shear fracture opening under weak regional compression. However, this calculated fracture potential does not consistently explain observations related to N‐ versus S‐facing aspect nor fracture density observed by borehole televiewer. Apparently, regional compression is only a secondary influence on Vp: the primary driver of P‐wave slowing in the upper layers of this catchment is topographic control of reactive water flowpaths and their integrated effects on weathering. The Vp result is best explained as the long‐term integrated effect of groundwater flow‐induced geochemical weathering of shale in response to climate‐driven patterns of micro‐ and macro‐topography.

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  2. Abstract

    Predicting the partitioning between aqueous and gaseous C across landscapes is difficult because many factors interact to control carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and removal as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). For example, carbonate minerals buffer soil pH and allow CO2dissolution in porewaters, but nitrification of fertilizers may decrease pH so that carbonate weathering results in a gaseous CO2efflux. Here, we investigate CO2partitioning in an agricultural, first‐order, mixed‐lithology humid, temperate watershed. We quantified soil mineralogy and measured porewater chemistry, soil moisture, and soil pCO2and pO2as a function of depth at three hillslope positions. Variation of soil moisture along the hillslope was the dominant control on the concentration of soil CO2, but mineralogy acted as a secondary control on the partitioning of CO2between gaseous and aqueous phases. Regression slopes of pCO2versus pO2in the carbonate‐bearing soils indicate a deficit of aerobically respired CO2relative to O2(p < 0.05). Additionally, nitrification of upslope fertilizers did not lower soil pH and therefore did not cause a gaseous CO2flux from carbonate weathering. We concluded that in the calcareous soils, up to 43% of respired C potentially dissolves and drains from the soil rather than diffusing out to the atmosphere. To explore the possible implications of the reactions we evaluated, we used databases of carbonate minerals and land uses to map types of soil degassing behaviors. Based on our maps, the partitioning of respired soil CO2to the aqueous phase could be important in estimating ecosystem C budgets and models.

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  3. Abstract

    How does hillslope structure (e.g., hillslope shape and permeability variation) regulate its hydro‐geochemical functioning (flow paths, solute export, chemical weathering)? Numerical reactive transport experiments and particle tracking were used to answer this question. Results underscore the first‐order control of permeability variations (with depth) on vertical connectivity (VC), defined as the fraction of water flowing into streams from below the soil zone. Where permeability decreases sharply and VC is low, >95% of water flows through the top 6 m of the subsurface, barely interacting with reactive rock at depth. High VC also elongates mean transit times (MTTs) and weathering rates. VC however is less of an influence under arid climates where long transit times drive weathering to equilibrium. The results lead to three working hypotheses that can be further tested.H1:The permeability variations with depth influence MTTs of stream water more strongly than hillslope shapes; hillslope shapes instead influence the younger fraction of stream water more.H2:High VC arising from high permeability at depths enhances weathering by promoting deeper water penetration and water‐rock interactions; the influence of VC weakens under arid climates and larger hillslopes with longer MTTs.H3:VC regulates chemical contrasts between shallow and deep waters (Cratio) and solute export patterns encapsulated in the power law slope b of concentration‐discharge (CQ) relationships.Higher VC leads to similar shallow versus deep water chemistry (Cratio∼1) and more chemostatic CQ patterns. Although supporting data already exist, these hypotheses can be further tested with carefully designed, co‐located modeling and measurements of soil, rock, and waters. Broadly, the importance of hillslope subsurface structure (e.g., permeability variation) indicate it is essential in regulating earth surface hydrogeochemical response to changing climate and human activities.

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  4. Abstract

    More above‐ground biomass (kg m−2) grows in the northern Appalachian Mountains (USA) in forests on shale than on sandstone at all landscape positions other than ridgetops. This has been tentatively attributed to physical (rather than chemical) attributes of the substrates, such as elevation, particle size, and water capacity. However, shales have generally similar phosphorus (P) concentrations to sandstones and, in the Valley and Ridge province, they erode more quickly. This led us to hypothesize that faster replenishment of the lithogenic nutrient P in shale soils through erosion + soil production could instead control the differences in biomass. To test this, soils and foliage from 10 sites on shales and sandstones in the northern Appalachians from roughly the same elevation and aspect were analysed. We discovered that, when controlling for location, concentrations of bioavailable P in soils and P in foliage were higher and P resorbed from senescing red oak leaves was lower on slower‐eroding sandstone than on faster‐eroding shale. Lower resorption generally can be attributed to lower P limitation for trees. Further investigation of weathering and erosion on one of the sandstone–shale pairs within a larger, paired watershed study revealed that the differences in P concentrations in biomass and foliage between lithologies likely developed because sandstones act as ‘collectors’ that trap nutrients from residual and exogenous sources, while shales erode quickly and thus promote production of soil from bedrock that releases P to ecosystems. We concluded that the combined effects of differential rates of dust collection and erosion results in roughly equal biomass growing on sandstone and shale ridgetops. This work emphasizes the balance between a landscape's capacity to collect dust versus produce soil in controlling bioavailability of nutrients.

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  5. Abstract

    Large‐scale models often use a single grid to represent an entire catchment assuming homogeneity; the impacts of such an assumption on simulating evapotranspiration (ET) and streamflow remain poorly understood. Here, we compare hydrological dynamics at Shale Hills (PA, USA) using a complex model (spatially explicit, >500 grids) and a simple model (spatially implicit, two grids using “effective” parameters). We asked two questions:What hydrological dynamics can a simple model reproduce at the catchment scale? What processes does it miss by ignoring spatial details?Results show the simple model can reproduce annual runoff ratios and ET, daily discharge peaks (e.g., storms, floods) but not discharge minima (e.g., droughts) under dry conditions. Neither can it reproduce different streamflow from the two sides of the catchment with distinct land surface characteristics. The similar annual runoff ratios between the two models indicate spatial details are not as important as climate in reproducing annual scale ET and discharge partitioning. Most of the calibrated parameters in the simple model are within the ranges in the complex model, except that effective porosity has to be reduced to 40% of the average porosity from the complex model. The form of the storage‐discharge relationship is similar. The effective porosity in the simple model however represents the dynamic and mobile water storage in the effective drainage area of the complex model that connects to the stream and contributes to high streamflow; it does not represent the passive, immobile water storage in the often disconnected uphill areas. This indicates that an additional uphill functioning unit is needed in the simple model to simulate the full spectrum of high‐low streamflow dynamics in natural catchments.

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  6. Abstract

    The critical zone sustains terrestrial life, but we have few tools to explore it efficiently beyond the first few meters of the subsurface. Using analyses of high‐frequency ambient seismic noise from densely spaced seismometers deployed in the forested Shale Hills subcatchment of the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHCZO), we show that temporal changes in seismic velocities at depths from ∼1 m to tens of m can be detected. These changes are driven by variations at the land surface. The Moving‐Window Cross‐Spectral (MWCS) method was employed to measure seismic‐velocity changes in coda waves at hourly resolution in 10 different frequency bands. We observed a diurnal signal, a seasonal signal, and a meteorological‐event‐based signal. These signals were compared to time‐series measurements of precipitation, well water levels, soil moisture, soil temperature, air temperature, latent heat flux, and air pressure in the heavily instrumented catchment. Most of the velocity changes can be explained by variations in temperature that result in thermoelastic strains that propagate to depth. But some double minima in seismic velocity time‐series observed after large rain events were attributed in part to the effects of water infiltration. These results show that high‐frequency ambient noise data may in some locations be used to detect changes in the critical zone from ∼1 to ∼100 m or greater depth with hourly resolution. But interpretation of such data requires multiple environmental data sets to deconvolve the complex interrelationships among thermoelastic and hydrological effects in the subsurface critical zone.

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  7. Abstract

    Knowing little about how porosity and permeability are distributed at depth, we commonly develop models of groundwater by treating the subsurface as a homogeneous black box even though porosity and permeability vary with depth. One reason for this depth variation is that infiltrating meteoric water reacts with minerals to affect porosity in localized zones called reaction fronts. We are beginning to learn to map and model these fronts beneath headwater catchments and show how they are distributed. The subsurface landscapes defined by these fronts lie subparallel to the soil‐air interface but with lower relief. They can be situated above, below, or at the water table. These subsurface landscapes of reaction are important because porosity developed from weathering can control subsurface water storage. In addition, porosity often changes at the weathering fronts, and when this affects permeability significantly, the front can act like a valve that re‐orients water flowing through the subsurface. We explore controls on the positions of reaction fronts under headwater landscapes by accounting for the timescales of erosion, chemical equilibration, and solute transport. One strong control on the landscape of subsurface reaction is the land surface geometry, which is in turn a function of the erosion rate. In addition, the reaction fronts, like the water table, are strongly affected by the lithology and water infiltration rate. We hypothesize that relationships among the land surface, reaction fronts, and the water table are controlled by feedbacks that can push landscapes towards an ‘ideal hill’. In this steady state, reaction‐front valves partition water volumes into shallow and deep flowpaths. These flows dissolve low‐ and high‐solubility minerals, respectively, allowing their reaction fronts to advance at the erosion rate. This conceptualization could inform better models of subsurface porosity and permeability, replacing the black box.

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  8. Abstract

    Soils derived from different lithologies and their controls on preferential flow remain underexplored in forested landscapes. In the same lithology, the propensity for preferential flow occurrence at different hillslope positions also remains largely elusive. By utilizing a soil moisture response time method, we compared preferential flow occurrence between a shale site (Shale Hills, silt loam soils) and a sandstone site (Garner Run, sandy loam soils) at four hillslope positions: ridge‐top, North‐ and South‐facing mid‐slopes and toe slope, for over 2 years. The catchments are neighbouring and covered by temperate forest. For the four hillslope positions, Shale Hills had higher preferential flow frequencies compared to Garner Run. Between these two catchments, the South‐facing mid‐slope sites showed the highest contrasts in preferential flow frequency (33.5% of events at Shale Hills vs. 8.8% at Garner Run) while the ridge‐top sites showed the lowest contrasts (18.7 vs. 13.2%). Additionally, over the unfrozen period, for seven out of eight monitoring sites, drier antecedent conditions tended to be more favourable for preferential flows to occur, with significant (p < .01) relationships at two sites. Except for the South‐facing mid‐slope sites, both Shale Hills and Garner Run had two preferential flow pathways. The characteristic preferential flow pathways at Shale Hills were the Bwand C horizons, and for Garner Run, preferential flow moved from the E/AE horizon to the Bwhorizon. This study shows that shale‐derived soils tended to have higher preferential flow occurrence than sandstone soils, but hillslope positions exhibit different levels of contrasts. More effort should be paid to study the impact of lithology on preferential flows in the context of land surface modelling and biogeochemical reactions to improve ecosystem services of headwater catchments.

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  9. Abstract

    Despite a multitude of small catchment studies, we lack a deep understanding of how variations in critical zone architecture lead to variations in hydrologic states and fluxes. This study characterizes hydrologic dynamics of 15 catchments of the U.S. Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) network where we hypothesized that our understanding of subsurface structure would illuminate patterns of hydrologic partitioning. The CZOs collect data sets that characterize the physical, chemical, and biological architecture of the subsurface, while also monitoring hydrologic fluxes such as streamflow, precipitation, and evapotranspiration. For the first time, we collate time series of hydrologic variables across the CZO network and begin the process of examining hydrologic signatures across sites. We find that catchments with low baseflow indices and high runoff sensitivity to storage receive most of their precipitation as rain and contain clay‐rich regolith profiles, prominent argillic horizons, and/or anthropogenic modifications. In contrast, sites with high baseflow indices and low runoff sensitivity to storage receive the majority of precipitation as snow and have more permeable regolith profiles. The seasonal variability of water balance components is a key control on the dynamic range of hydraulically connected water in the critical zone. These findings lead us to posit that water balance partitioning and streamflow hydraulics are linked through the coevolution of critical zone architecture but that much work remains to parse these controls out quantitatively.

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  10. Abstract

    Headwater catchments are the fundamental units that connect the land to the ocean. Hydrological flow and biogeochemical processes are intricately coupled, yet their respective sciences have progressed without much integration. Reaction kinetic theories that prescribe rate dependence on environmental variables (e.g., temperature and water content) have advanced substantially, mostly in well‐mixed reactors, columns, and warming experiments without considering the characteristics of hydrological flow at the catchment scale. These theories have shown significant divergence from observations in natural systems. On the other hand, hydrological theories, including transit time theory, have progressed substantially yet have not been incorporated into understanding reactions at the catchment scale. Here we advocate for the development of integrated hydro‐biogeochemical theories across gradients of climate, vegetation, and geology conditions. The lack of such theories presents barriers for understanding mechanisms and forecasting the future of the Critical Zone under human‐ and climate‐induced perturbations. Although integration has started and co‐located measurements are well under way, tremendous challenges remain. In particular, even in this era of “big data,” we are still limited by data and will need to (1) intensify measurements beyond river channels and characterize the vertical connectivity and broadly the shallow and deep subsurface; (2) expand to older water dating beyond the time scales reflected in stable water isotopes; (3) combine the use of reactive solutes, nonreactive tracers, and isotopes; and (4) augment measurements in environments that are undergoing rapid changes. To develop integrated theories, it is essential to (1) engage models at all stages to develop model‐informed data collection strategies and to maximize data usage; (2) adopt a “simple but not simplistic,” or fit‐for‐purpose approach to include essential processes in process‐based models; (3) blend the use of process‐based and data‐driven models in the framework of “theory‐guided data science.” Within the framework of hypothesis testing, model‐data fusion can advance integrated theories that mechanistically link catchments' internal structures and external drivers to their functioning. It can not only advance the field of hydro‐biogeochemistry, but also enable hind‐ and fore‐casting and serve the society at large. Broadly, future education will need to cultivate thinkers at the intersections of traditional disciplines with hollistic approaches for understanding interacting processes in complex earth systems.

    This article is categorized under:

    Engineering Water > Methods

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