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xGAIL: Explainable Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning for Explainable Human Decision AnalysisTo make daily decisions, human agents devise their own "strategies" governing their mobility dynamics (e.g., taxi drivers have preferred working regions and times, and urban commuters have preferred routes and transit modes). Recent research such as generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) demonstrates successes in learning human decision-making strategies from their behavior data using deep neural networks (DNNs), which can accurately mimic how humans behave in various scenarios, e.g., playing video games, etc. However, such DNN-based models are "black box" models in nature, making it hard to explain what knowledge the models have learned from human, and how the models make such decisions, which was not addressed in the literature of imitation learning. This paper addresses this research gap by proposing xGAIL, the first explainable generative adversarial imitation learning framework. The proposed xGAIL framework consists of two novel components, including Spatial Activation Maximization (SpatialAM) and Spatial Randomized Input Sampling Explanation (SpatialRISE), to extract both global and local knowledge from a well-trained GAIL model that explains how a human agent makes decisions. Especially, we take taxi drivers' passenger-seeking strategy as an example to validate the effectiveness of the proposed xGAIL framework. Our analysis on a large-scale real-world taxi trajectory data shows promising results from two aspects: i) global explainable knowledge of what nearby traffic condition impels a taxi driver to choose a particular direction to find the next passenger, and ii) local explainable knowledge of what key (sometimes hidden) factors a taxi driver considers when making a particular decision.more » « less
Given the historical movement trajectories of a set of individual human agents (e.g., pedestrians, taxi drivers) and a set of new trajectories claimed to be generated by a specific agent, the Human Mobility Signature Identification (HuMID) problem aims at validating if the incoming trajectories were indeed generated by the claimed agent. This problem is important in many real-world applications such as driver verification in ride-sharing services, risk analysis for auto insurance companies, and criminal identification. Prior work on identifying human mobility behaviors requires additional data from other sources besides the trajectories, e.g., sensor readings in the vehicle for driving behavior identification. However, these data might not be universally available and is costly to obtain. To deal with this challenge, in this work, we make the first attempt to match identities of human agents only from the observed location trajectory data by proposing a novel and efficient framework named Spatio-temporal Siamese Networks (ST-SiameseNet). For each human agent, we extract a set of profile and online features from his/her trajectories. We train ST-SiameseNet to predict the mobility signature similarity between each pair of agents, where each agent is represented by his/her trajectories and the extracted features. Experimental results on a real-world taxi trajectory dataset show that our proposed ST-SiamesNet can achieve an F_1 score of 0.8508, which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques.more » « less
Given an urban development plan and the historical traffic observations over the road network, the Conditional Urban Traffic Estimation problem aims to estimate the resulting traffic status prior to the deployment of the plan. This problem is of great importance to urban development and transportation management, yet is very challenging because the plan would change the local travel demands drastically and the new travel demand pattern might be unprecedented in the historical data. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel Conditional Urban Traffic Generative Adversarial Network (Curb-GAN), which provides traffic estimations in consecutive time slots based on different (unprecedented) travel demands, thus enables urban planners to accurately evaluate urban plans before deploying them. The proposed Curb-GAN adopts and advances the conditional GAN structure through a few novel ideas: (1) dealing with various travel demands as the "conditions" and generating corresponding traffic estimations, (2) integrating dynamic convolutional layers to capture the local spatial auto-correlations along the underlying road networks, (3) employing self-attention mechanism to capture the temporal dependencies of the traffic across different time slots. Extensive experiments on two real-world spatio-temporal datasets demonstrate that our Curb-GAN outperforms major baseline methods in estimation accuracy under various conditions and can produce more meaningful estimations.more » « less