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  1. Abstract

    Hourly, year‐round flow cytometry has made it possible to relate seasonal environmental variability to the population dynamics of the smallest, most abundant phytoplankton on the Northeast US Shelf. To evaluate whether the insights from these data extend toSynechococcusfarther from shore, we analyze flow cytometry measurements made continuously from the underway systems on 21 cruises traveling between the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) and the continental shelf break. We describe how seasonal patterns inSynechococcus, which have been documented in detail at MVCO, occur across the region with subtle variation. We find that the underlying relationship between temperature and division rate is consistent across the shelf and can explain much of the observed spatial variability in concentration. Connecting individual cell properties to annual and regional patterns in environmental conditions, these results demonstrate the value of autonomous monitoring and create an improved picture of picophytoplankton dynamics within an economically important ecosystem.

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  2. Abstract

    The Mid‐Atlantic Bight (MAB) hosts a large and productive marine ecosystem supported by high phytoplankton concentrations. Enhanced surface chlorophyll concentrations at the MAB shelf‐break front have been detected in synoptic measurements, yet this feature is not present in seasonal means. To understand why, we assess the conditions associated with enhanced surface chlorophyll at the shelf break. We employ in‐situ and remote sensing data, and a 2‐dimensional model to show that Ekman restratification driven by upfront winds drives ephemerally enhanced chlorophyll concentrations at the shelf‐break front in spring. Using 8‐day composite satellite‐measured surface chlorophyll concentration data from 2003–2020, we constructed a daily running mean (DRM) climatology of the cross‐shelf chlorophyll distribution for the northern MAB region. While the frontal enhancement of chlorophyll is apparent in the DRM climatology, it is not captured in the seasonal climatology due to its short duration of less than a week. In‐situ measurements of the frontal chlorophyll enhancement reveal that chlorophyll is highest in spring when the shelf‐break front slumps offshore from its steep wintertime position causing restratification in the upper part of the water column. Several restratification mechanisms are possible, but the first day of enhanced chlorophyll at the shelf break corresponds to increasing upfront winds, suggesting that the frontal restratification is driven by offshore Ekman transport of the shelf water over the denser slope water. The 2‐dimensional model shows that upfront winds can indeed drive Ekman restratification and alleviate light limitation of phytoplankton growth at the shelf‐break front.

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  3. Abstract

    Climatic changes have decreased the stability of the Gulf Stream (GS), increasing the frequency at which its meanders interact with the Mid‐Atlantic Bight (MAB) continental shelf and slope region. These intrusions are thought to suppress biological productivity by transporting low‐nutrient water to the otherwise productive shelf edge region. Here we present evidence of widespread, anomalously intense subsurface diatom hotspots in the MAB slope sea that likely resulted from a GS intrusion in July 2019. The hotspots (at ∼50 m) were associated with water mass properties characteristic of GS water (∼100 m); it is probable that the hotspots resulted from the upwelling of GS water during its transport into the slope sea, likely by a GS meander directly intruding onto the continental slope east of where the hotspots were observed. Further work is required to unravel how increasingly frequent direct GS intrusions could influence MAB marine ecosystems.

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  4. Abstract

    This study examines the generation of warm spiral structures (referred to as spiral streamers here) over Gulf Stream warm-core rings. Satellite sea surface temperature imagery shows spiral streamers forming after warmer water from the Gulf Stream or newly formed warm-core rings impinges onto old warm-core rings and then intrudes into the old rings. Field measurements in April 2018 capture the vertical structure of a warm spiral streamer as a shallow lens of low-density water winding over an old ring. Observations also show subduction on both sides of the spiral streamer, which carries surface waters downward. Idealized numerical model simulations initialized with observed water-mass densities reproduce spiral streamers over warm-core rings and reveal that their formation is a nonlinear submesoscale process forced by mesoscale dynamics. The negative density anomaly of the intruding water causes a density front at the interface between the intruding water and surface ring water, which, through thermal wind balance, drives alocalanticyclonic flow. The pressure gradient and momentum advection of the local interfacial flow push the intruding water toward the ring center. The large-scale anticyclonic flow of the ring and the radial motion of the intruding water together form the spiral streamer. The observed subduction on both sides of the spiral streamer is part of the secondary cross-streamer circulation resulting from frontogenesis on the stretching streamer edges. The surface divergence of the secondary circulation pushes the side edges of the streamer away from each other, widens the warm spiral on the surface, and thus enhances its surface signal.

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  5. Estimates of primary production represent the input of carbon into food webs, as well as the initial step in the biological pump. For the past 60 years, much of the productivity information has been obtained using measurements of 14 C-bicarbonate removal during simulated in situ incubations. However, such measurements often do not reflect the complexity of the environment, and also suffer from uncertainties, biases and limitations. A vertically resolved bio-optical model has been used to estimate productivity based on profiles commonly assessed in oceanographic investigations, but comparisons with simultaneous measurements of 14 C-uptake are limited. We conducted three cruises off the coast of New England that included sampling continental shelf waters, the shelf-break region, and deeper waters at scales of 7 km, all of which had productivity estimated by a vertically resolved productivity model as well as by traditional 14 C-uptake measurements using simulated in situ techniques. We found that the vertically resolved bio-optical model gave results that appear to be more robust and resolved productivity at smaller vertical and horizontal scales, and seem less biased by some of the uncertainties in 14 C-uptake measurements. Both estimates suggest that the New England waters are highly productive due to a variety of biological and physical processes occurring at different times of the year, but there was no consistent stimulation at the shelf break over the time scales of these estimates. 
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  6. null (Ed.)