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  1. null (Ed.)
    Abstract In this work, we obtain a local maximum principle along the Ricci flow $g(t)$ under the condition that $\mathrm {Ric}(g(t))\le {\alpha } t^{-1}$ for $t>0$ for some constant ${\alpha }>0$ . As an application, we will prove that under this condition, various kinds of curvatures will still be nonnegative for $t>0$ , provided they are non-negative initially. These extend the corresponding known results for Ricci flows on compact manifolds or on complete noncompact manifolds with bounded curvature . By combining the above maximum principle with the Dirichlet heat kernel estimates, we also give a more direct proof of Hochard’s [15] localized version of a maximum principle by Bamler et al. [1] on the lower bound of different kinds of curvatures along the Ricci flows for $t>0$ . 
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  2. null (Ed.)
    Abstract We show the existence of complete negative Kähler–Einstein metric on Stein manifolds with holomorphic sectional curvature bounded from above by a negative constant. We prove that any Kähler metrics on such manifolds can be deformed to the complete negative Kähler–Einstein metric using the normalized Kähler–Ricci flow. 
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