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  1. Abstract

    The Northern and Southern Patagonian Icefields are rapidly losing volume, with current volume loss rates greater than 20 km3a−1. However, details of the spatial and temporal distribution of their volume loss remain uncertain. We evaluate the rate of 21st-century glacier volume loss using the hydrological balance of four glacierised Patagonian river basins. We isolate the streamflow contribution from changes in ice volume and evaluate whether the rate of volume loss has decreased, increased, or remained constant. Out of 11 glacierised sub-basins, seven exhibit significant increases in the rate of ice volume loss, with a 2006–2019 time integrated anomaly in the rate of glacier volume loss of 135 ± 50 km3. This anomaly in the rate of glacier-volume-loss is spatially heterogeneous, varying from a 7.06 ± 1.69 m a−1increase in ice loss to a 3.18 ± 1.48 m a−1decrease in ice loss. Greatest increases in the rate of ice loss are found in the early spring and late summer, suggesting a prolonging of the melt season. Our results highlight increasing, and in some cases accelerating, rates of volume loss of Patagonia's lake-terminating glaciers, with a 2006–2019 anomaly in the rate of glacier volume loss contributing an additional 0.027 ± 0.01 mm a−1of global mean sea-level rise.

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  2. Abstract

    Tropical glacier melt provides valuable water to surrounding communities, but climate change is projected to cause the demise of many of these glaciers within the coming century. Understanding the future of tropical glaciers requires a detailed record of their thicknesses and volumes, which is currently lacking in the Northern Andes. We calculate present-day (2015–2021) ice-thicknesses for all glaciers in Colombia and Ecuador using six different methods, and combine these into multi-model ensemble mean ice thickness and volume maps. We compare our results against available field-based measurements, and show that current ice volumes in Ecuador and Colombia are 2.49 ± 0.25 km3and 1.68 ± 0.24 km3respectively. We detected no motion on any remaining ice in Venezuela. The overall ice volume in the region, 4.17 ± 0.35 km3, is half of the previous best estimate of 8.11 km3. These data can be used to better evaluate the status and distribution of water resources, as input for models of future glacier change, and to assess regional geohazards associated with ice-clad volcanoes.

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  3. Abstract

    There is a critical knowledge gap about how glacier retreat in remote and rapidly warming tropical montane watersheds will impact solute export, which has implications for downstream geochemical cycling and ecological function. Because tropical glacierized watersheds are often uniquely characterized by year‐round ablation, upslope vegetation migration, and significant groundwater flow, baseline understanding is needed of how spatiotemporal variables within these watersheds control outlet hydrochemistry. We implemented a recently developed reactive transport watershed model, BioRT‐Flux‐PIHM, for a sub‐humid glacierized watershed in the Ecuadorian Andes with young volcanic soils and fractured bedrock. We found a unique simulated concentration and discharge (C‐Q) pattern that was mostly chemostatic but superimposed by dilution episodes. The chemostatic background was attributed to large simulated contributions of groundwater (subsurface lateral flow) to streamflow, of which a notable fraction (37%) comprised infiltrated ice‐melt. Relatively constant concentrations were further maintained in the model because times and locations of lower mineral surface wetting and dissolution were offset by concentrating effects of greater evapotranspiration. Ice‐melt did not all infiltrate in simulations, especially during large precipitation events, when high surface runoff contributions to discharge triggered dilution episodes. In a model scenario without ice‐melt, major ion concentrations, including Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+, became more strongly chemostatic and higher, but weathering rates decreased, attenuating export by 23%. We expect this reduction to be exacerbated by higher evapotranspiration and drier conditions with expanded vegetation. This work brings to light the importance of subsurface meltwater flow, ecohydrological variability, and interactions between melt and precipitation for controlling hydrochemical processes in tropical watersheds with rapidly retreating glaciers.

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  4. Abstract. Watersheds are the fundamental Earth surface functioning units that connect the land to aquatic systems. Many watershed-scale models represent hydrological processes but not biogeochemical reactive transport processes. This has limited our capability to understand and predict solute export, water chemistry and quality, and Earth system response to changing climate and anthropogenic conditions. Here we present a recently developed BioRT-Flux-PIHM (BioRT hereafter) v1.0, a watershed-scale biogeochemical reactive transport model. The model augments the previously developed RT-Flux-PIHM that integrates land-surface interactions, surface hydrology, and abiotic geochemical reactions. It enables the simulation of (1) shallow and deep-water partitioning to represent surface runoff, shallow soil water, and deeper groundwater and of (2) biotic processes including plant uptake, soil respiration, and nutrient transformation. The reactive transport part of the code has been verified against the widely used reactive transport code CrunchTope. BioRT-Flux-PIHM v1.0 has recently been applied in multiple watersheds under diverse climate, vegetation, and geological conditions. This paper briefly introduces the governing equations and model structure with a focus on new aspects of the model. It also showcases one hydrology example that simulates shallow and deep-water interactions and two biogeochemical examples relevant to nitrate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). These examples are illustrated in two simulation modes of complexity. One is the spatially lumped mode (i.e., two land cells connected by one river segment) that focuses on processes and average behavior of a watershed. Another is the spatially distributed mode (i.e., hundreds of cells) that includes details of topography, land cover, and soil properties. Whereas the spatially lumped mode represents averaged properties and processes and temporal variations, the spatially distributed mode can be used to understand the impacts of spatial structure and identify hot spots of biogeochemical reactions. The model can be used to mechanistically understand coupled hydrological and biogeochemical processes under gradients of climate, vegetation, geology, and land use conditions. 
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  5. Abstract. Climate models predict amplified warming at high elevations in low latitudes,making tropical glacierized regions some of the most vulnerable hydrologicalsystems in the world. Observations reveal decreasing streamflow due toretreating glaciers in the Andes, which hold 99% of all tropicalglaciers. However, the timescales over which meltwater contributes tostreamflow and the pathways it takes – surface and subsurface – remainuncertain, hindering our ability to predict how shrinking glaciers willimpact water resources. Two major contributors to this uncertainty are thesparsity of hydrologic measurements in tropical glacierized watersheds andthe complication of hydrograph separation where there is year-round glaciermelt. We address these challenges using a multi-method approach that employsrepeat hydrochemical mixing model analysis, hydroclimatic time seriesanalysis, and integrated watershed modeling. Each of these approachesinterrogates distinct timescale relationships among meltwater, groundwater,and stream discharge. Our results challenge the commonly held conceptualmodel that glaciers buffer discharge variability. Instead, in a subhumidwatershed on Volcán Chimborazo, Ecuador, glacier melt drives nearly allthe variability in discharge (Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.89 insimulations), with glaciers contributing a broad range of 20%–60%or wider of discharge, mostly (86%) through surface runoff on hourlytimescales, but also through infiltration that increases annual groundwatercontributions by nearly 20%. We further found that rainfall may enhanceglacier melt contributions to discharge at timescales that complement glaciermelt production, possibly explaining why minimum discharge occurred at thestudy site during warm but dry El Niño conditions, which typicallyheighten melt in the Andes. Our findings caution against extrapolations fromisolated measurements: stream discharge and glacier melt contributions intropical glacierized systems can change substantially at hourly tointerannual timescales, due to climatic variability and surface to subsurfaceflow processes.

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