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The practicality of reinforcement learning algorithms has been limited due to poor scaling with respect to the problem size, as the sample complexity of learning an ε-optimal policy is Ω(|S||A|H/ ε2) over worst case instances of an MDP with state space S, action space A, and horizon H. We consider a class of MDPs for which the associated optimal Q* function is low rank, where the latent features are unknown. While one would hope to achieve linear sample complexity in |S| and |A| due to the low rank structure, we show that without imposing further assumptions beyond low rank of Q*, if one is constrained to estimate the Q function using only observations from a subset of entries, there is a worst case instance in which one must incur a sample complexity exponential in the horizon H to learn a near optimal policy. We subsequently show that under stronger low rank structural assumptions, given access to a generative model, Low Rank Monte Carlo Policy Iteration (LR-MCPI) and Low Rank Empirical Value Iteration (LR-EVI) achieve the desired sample complexity of Õ((|S|+|A|)poly (d,H)/ε2) for a rank d setting, which is minimax optimal with respect to the scaling of |S|, |A|, and ε. In contrast to literature on linear and low-rank MDPs, we do not require a known feature mapping, our algorithm is computationally simple, and our results hold for long time horizons. Our results provide insights on the minimal low-rank structural assumptions required on the MDP with respect to the transition kernel versus the optimal action-value function.more » « less
Abstract Network interference, where the outcome of an individual is affected by the treatment assignment of those in their social network, is pervasive in real-world settings. However, it poses a challenge to estimating causal effects. We consider the task of estimating the total treatment effect (TTE), or the difference between the average outcomes of the population when everyone is treated versus when no one is, under network interference. Under a Bernoulli randomized design, we provide an unbiased estimator for the TTE when network interference effects are constrained to low-order interactions among neighbors of an individual. We make no assumptions on the graph other than bounded degree, allowing for well-connected networks that may not be easily clustered. We derive a bound on the variance of our estimator and show in simulated experiments that it performs well compared with standard estimators for the TTE. We also derive a minimax lower bound on the mean squared error of our estimator, which suggests that the difficulty of estimation can be characterized by the degree of interactions in the potential outcomes model. We also prove that our estimator is asymptotically normal under boundedness conditions on the network degree and potential outcomes model. Central to our contribution is a new framework for balancing model flexibility and statistical complexity as captured by this low-order interactions structure.more » « less
We consider the problem of dividing limited resources to individuals arriving over T rounds. Each round has a random number of individuals arrive, and individuals can be characterized by their type (i.e., preferences over the different resources). A standard notion of fairness in this setting is that an allocation simultaneously satisfy envy-freeness and efficiency. The former is an individual guarantee, requiring that each agent prefers the agent’s own allocation over the allocation of any other; in contrast, efficiency is a global property, requiring that the allocations clear the available resources. For divisible resources, when the number of individuals of each type are known up front, the desiderata are simultaneously achievable for a large class of utility functions. However, in an online setting when the number of individuals of each type are only revealed round by round, no policy can guarantee these desiderata simultaneously, and hence, the best one can do is to try and allocate so as to approximately satisfy the two properties. We show that, in the online setting, the two desired properties (envy-freeness and efficiency) are in direct contention in that any algorithm achieving additive counterfactual envy-freeness up to a factor of L T necessarily suffers an efficiency loss of at least [Formula: see text]. We complement this uncertainty principle with a simple algorithm, Guarded-Hope, which allocates resources based on an adaptive threshold policy and is able to achieve any fairness–efficiency point on this frontier. Our results provide guarantees for fair online resource allocation with high probability for multiple resource and multiple type settings. In simulation results, our algorithm provides allocations close to the optimal fair solution in hindsight, motivating its use in practical applications as the algorithm is able to adapt to any desired fairness efficiency trade-off. Funding: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [Grants ECCS-1847393, DMS-1839346, CCF-1948256, and CNS-1955997] and the Army Research Laboratory [Grant W911NF-17-1-0094]. Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at .more » « less
Discretization-based approaches to solving online reinforcement learning problems are studied extensively on applications such as resource allocation and cache management. The two major questions in designing discretization-based algorithms are how to create the discretization and when to refine it. There are several experimental results investigating heuristic approaches to these questions but little theoretical treatment. In this paper, we provide a unified theoretical analysis of model-free and model-based, tree-based adaptive hierarchical partitioning methods for online reinforcement learning. We show how our algorithms take advantage of inherent problem structure by providing guarantees that scale with respect to the “zooming” instead of the ambient dimension, an instance-dependent quantity measuring the benignness of the optimal [Formula: see text] function. Many applications in computing systems and operations research require algorithms that compete on three facets: low sample complexity, mild storage requirements, and low computational burden for policy evaluation and training. Our algorithms are easily adapted to operating constraints, and our theory provides explicit bounds across each of the three facets. Funding: This work is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation [Grants ECCS-1847393, DMS-1839346, CCF-1948256, and CNS-1955997] and the Army Research Laboratory [Grant W911NF-17-1-0094]. Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at .more » « less
Randomized experiments are widely used to estimate the causal effects of a proposed treatment in many areas of science, from medicine and healthcare to the physical and biological sciences, from the social sciences to engineering, and from public policy to the technology industry. Here we consider situations where classical methods for estimating the total treatment effect on a target population are considerably biased due to confounding network effects, i.e., the fact that the treatment of an individual may impact its neighbors’ outcomes, an issue referred to as network interference or as nonindividualized treatment response. A key challenge in these situations is that the network is often unknown and difficult or costly to measure. We assume a potential outcomes model with heterogeneous additive network effects, encompassing a broad class of network interference sources, including spillover, peer effects, and contagion. First, we characterize the limitations in estimating the total treatment effect without knowledge of the network that drives interference. By contrast, we subsequently develop a simple estimator and efficient randomized design that outputs an unbiased estimate with low variance in situations where one is given access to average historical baseline measurements prior to the experiment. Our solution does not require knowledge of the underlying network structure, and it comes with statistical guarantees for a broad class of models. Due to their ease of interpretation and implementation, and their theoretical guarantees, we believe our results will have significant impact on the design of randomized experiments.more » « less
Consider the task of matrix estimation, in which we desire to estimate a ground truth matrix given sparse and noisy observations. Each entry is observed independently with probability p, and additionally perturbed with additive observation noise. Assume the (u,i)-th entry of the ground truth matrix can be described by f(α u ,β i ) for some Holder smooth function f. We consider the setting where the row covariates α are unobserved yet the column covariates β are observed. We provide an algorithm and accompanying analysis which shows that our algorithm improves upon naively estimating each row separately when the number of rows is not too small. Furthermore when the matrix is moderately proportioned, our algorithm achieves the minimax optimal nonparametric rate of an oracle algorithm that knows the row covariates. In simulated experiments we show our algorithm outperforms other baselines in low data regimes.more » « less
We consider the problem of dividing limited resources to individuals arriving over T rounds. Each round has a random number of individuals arrive, and individuals can be characterized by their type (i.e. preferences over the different resources). A standard notion of 'fairness' in this setting is that an allocation simultaneously satisfy envy-freeness and efficiency. For divisible resources, when the number of individuals of each type are known upfront, the above desiderata are simultaneously achievable for a large class of utility functions. However, in an online setting when the number of individuals of each type are only revealed round by round, no policy can guarantee these desiderata simultaneously.We show that in the online setting, the two desired properties (envy-freeness and efficiency) are in direct contention, in that any algorithm achieving additive counterfactual envy-freeness up to a factor of LT necessarily suffers a efficiency loss of at least 1 / LT. We complement this uncertainty principle with a simple algorithm, Guarded-Hope, which allocates resources based on an adaptive threshold policy and is able to achieve any fairness-efficiency point on this frontier.more » « less
Tensor completion exhibits an interesting computational-statistical gap in terms of the number of samples needed to perform tensor estimation. While there are only Θ(tn) degrees of freedom in a t-order tensor with n^t entries, the best known polynomial time algorithm requires O(n^t/2 ) samples in order to guarantee consistent estimation. In this paper, we show that weak side information is sufficient to reduce the sample complexity to O(n). The side information consists of a weight vector for each of the modes which is not orthogonal to any of the latent factors along that mode; this is significantly weaker than assuming noisy knowledge of the subspaces. We provide an algorithm that utilizes this side information to produce a consistent estimator with O(n^1+κ ) samples for any small constant κ > 0. We also provide experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets that validate our theoretical insights.more » « less
Reinforcement learning (RL) has received widespread attention across multiple communities, but the experiments have focused primarily on large-scale game playing and robotics tasks. In this paper we introduce ORSuite, an open-source library containing environments, algorithms, and instrumentation for operational problems. Our package is designed to motivate researchers in the reinforcement learning community to develop and evaluate algorithms on operational tasks, and to consider the true multi-objective nature of these problems by considering metrics beyond cumulative reward.more » « less