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    We present measurements of the dependence of the clustering amplitude of galaxies on their star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass (M*) at 0.7 < z < 1.5 to assess the extent to which environment affects these properties. While these relations are well determined in the local Universe, they are much more poorly known at earlier times. For this analysis, we make use of the near-infrared HST WFC3 grism spectroscopic data in the five CANDELS fields obtained as part of the 3D-HST survey. We make projected two-point correlation function measurements using ∼6000 galaxies with accurate redshifts, M*, and H α luminosities. We find a strong dependence of clustering amplitude on H α luminosity and thus SFR. However, at fixed M*, the clustering dependence on H α luminosity is largely eliminated. We model the clustering of these galaxies within the halo occupation distribution framework using the conditional luminosity function model and the newly developed conditional stellar mass and H α luminosity distribution model. These show that galaxies with higher SFRs tend to live in higher mass haloes, but this is largely driven by the relationship between SFR and M*. Finally, we show that the small residual correlation between clustering amplitude and H α luminosity at fixed M* is likely being driven by a broadening of the SFR–M* relationship for satellite galaxies.

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  2. Streams of intergalactic gas enriched by previous star formation were observed spiraling toward a massive galaxy. 
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  3. Abstract We present UV and Ly α radial surface brightness (SB) profiles of Ly α emitters (LAEs) at z = 2.84 detected with the Hyper Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. The depth of our data, together with the wide-field coverage including a protocluster, enable us to study the dependence of Ly α halos (LAHs) on various galaxy properties, including Mpc scale environments. UV and Ly α images of 3490 LAEs are extracted, and stacking the images yields SB sensitivity of ∼ 1 × 10 − 20 erg s − 1 cm − 2 arcsec − 2 in Ly α , reaching the expected level of optically thick gas illuminated by the UV background at z ∼ 3. Fitting of the two-component exponential function gives the scale-lengths of 1.56 ± 0.01 and 10.4 ± 0.3 pkpc. Dividing the sample according to their photometric properties, we find that, while the dependence of halo scale-length on environment outside of the protocluster core is not clear, LAEs in the central regions of protoclusters appear to have very large LAHs, which could be caused by combined effects of source overlapping and diffuse Ly α emission from cool intergalactic gas permeating the forming protocluster core irradiated by active members. For the first time, we identify UV halos around bright LAEs that are probably due to a few lower-mass satellite galaxies. Through comparison with recent numerical simulations, we conclude that, while scattered Ly α photons from the host galaxies are dominant, star formation in satellites evidently contributes to LAHs, and that fluorescent Ly α emission may be boosted within protocluster cores at cosmic noon and/or near bright QSOs. 
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  4. Abstract The absorption by neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) produces the Ly α forest in the spectra of quasars. The Ly α forest absorbers have a broad distribution of neutral hydrogen column density N H I and Doppler b parameter. The narrowest Ly α absorption lines (of lowest b ) with neutral hydrogen column density above ∼10 13 cm −2 are dominated by thermal broadening, which can be used to constrain the thermal state of the IGM. Here we constrain the temperature-density relation T = T 0 ( ρ / ρ ¯ ) γ − 1 of the IGM at 1.6 < z < 3.6 by using N H I and b parameters measured from 24 high-resolution and high-signal-to-noise quasar spectra and by employing an analytic model to model the N H I -dependent low- b cutoff in the b distribution. In each N H I bin, the b cutoff is estimated using two methods, one non-parametric method from computing the cumulative b distribution and a parametric method from fitting the full b distribution. We find that the IGM temperature T 0 at the mean gas density ρ ¯ shows a peak of ∼1.5 × 10 4 K at z ∼ 2.7–2.9. At redshift higher than this, the index γ approximately remains constant, and it starts to increase toward lower redshifts. The evolution in both parameters is in good agreement with constraints from completely different approaches, which signals that He ii reionization completes around z ∼ 3. 
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  5. Abstract Based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16, we have detected the large-scale structure of Ly α emission in the universe at redshifts z = 2–3.5 by cross-correlating quasar positions and Ly α emission imprinted in the residual spectra of luminous red galaxies. We apply an analytical model to fit the corresponding Ly α surface brightness profile and multipoles of the redshift-space quasar–Ly α emission cross-correlation function. The model suggests an average cosmic Ly α luminosity density of 6.6 − 3.1 + 3.3 × 10 40 erg s − 1 cMpc − 3 , a ∼2 σ detection with a median value about 8–9 times those estimated from deep narrowband surveys of Ly α emitters at similar redshifts. Although the low signal-to-noise ratio prevents us from a significant detection of the Ly α forest–Ly α emission cross-correlation, the measurement is consistent with the prediction of our best-fit model from quasar–Ly α emission cross-correlation within current uncertainties. We rule out the scenario where the Ly α photons mainly originate from quasars. We find that Ly α emission from star-forming galaxies, including contributions from that concentrated around the galaxy centers and that in diffuse Ly α -emitting halos, is able to explain the bulk of the Ly α luminosity density inferred from our measurements. Ongoing and future surveys can further improve the measurements and advance our understanding of the cosmic Ly α emission field. 
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  6. Abstract We investigate the metal species associated with the Ly α forest in eBOSS quasar spectra. Metal absorption lines are revealed in stacked spectra from cross-correlating the selected Ly α absorbers in the forest and the flux fluctuation field. Up to 13 metal species are identified as being associated with relatively strong Ly α absorbers (those with flux fluctuations − 1.0 < δ Ly α < − 0.6 and with a neutral hydrogen column density of ∼ 10 15−16 cm −2 ) over the absorber redshift range of 2 < z abs < 4. The column densities of these species decrease toward higher redshift and for weaker Ly α absorbers. From modeling the column densities of various species, we find that the column density pattern suggests contributions from multiple gas components, both in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and the intergalactic medium (IGM). While the low-ionization species (e.g., C ii , Si ii , and Mg ii ) can be explained by high-density, cool gas ( T ∼ 10 4 K) from the CGM, the high-ionization species may reside in low-density or high-temperature gas in the IGM. The measurements provide inputs for modeling the metal contamination in the Ly α forest baryon acoustic oscillation measurements. Comparisons with metal absorptions in high-resolution quasar spectra and hydrodynamic galaxy formation simulations can further elucidate the physical conditions of these Ly α absorbers. 
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  7. null (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT A number of independent observations suggest that the intergalactic medium was significantly neutral at z = 7 and that reionization was, perhaps, still in progress at z = 5.7. The narrowband survey, SILVERRUSH, has mapped over 2000 Lyman-α emitters (LAEs) at these redshifts ( G58). Previous analyses have assumed that reionization was over by z = 5.7, but this data may actually sample the final stages of reionization when the last neutral islands were relegated to the cosmic voids. Motivated by these developments, we re-examine LAE void and peak statistics and their ability to constrain reionization. We construct models of the LAE distribution in (1 Gpc h−1)3 volumes, spanning a range of neutral fractions at z = 5.7 and 6.6. Models with a higher neutral fraction show an enhanced probability of finding holes in the LAE distribution. When comparing models at fixed mean surface density, however, LAEs obscured by neutral gas in the voids must be compensated by visible LAEs elsewhere. Hence, in these models, the likelihood of finding an overdense peak is also enhanced in the latter half of reionization. Compared to the widely used angular two-point correlation function (2PCF), we find that the void probability function (VPF) provides a more sensitive test of models during the latter half of reionization. By comparison, at neutral fractions $\sim 50{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$, the VPF and a simple peak thresholding statistic are both similar to the 2PCF in constraining power. Lastly, we find that the cosmic variance and large-scale asymmetries observed in the SILVERRUSH fields are consistent with large-scale structure in a ΛCDM universe. 
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