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Award ID contains: 2015025

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  1. Abstract

    Deterministic nanoassembly may enable unique integrated on‐chip quantum photonic devices. Such integration requires a careful large‐scale selection of nanoscale building blocks such as solid‐state single‐photon emitters by means of optical characterization. Second‐order autocorrelation is a cornerstone measurement that is particularly time‐consuming to realize on a large scale. Supervised machine learning‐based classification of quantum emitters as “single” or “not‐single” is implemented based on their sparse autocorrelation data. The method yields a classification accuracy of 95% within an integration time of less than a second, realizing roughly a 100‐fold speedup compared to the conventional Levenberg–Marquardt fitting approach. It is anticipated that machine learning‐based classification will provide a unique route to enable rapid and scalable assembly of quantum nanophotonic devices.

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  2. The integration of solid-state single-photon sources with foundry-compatible photonic platforms is crucial for practical and scalable quantum photonic applications. This study explores aluminum nitride (AlN) as a material with properties highly suitable for integrated on-chip photonics and the ability to host defect-center related single-photon emitters. We have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the creation of single-photon emitters in AlN, utilizing heavy ion irradiation and thermal annealing techniques. Subsequently, we have performed a detailed analysis of their photophysical properties. Guided by theoretical predictions, we assessed the potential of Zirconium (Zr) ions to create optically addressable spin defects and employed Krypton (Kr) ions as an alternative to target lattice defects without inducing chemical doping effects. With a 532 nm excitation wavelength, we found that single-photon emitters induced by ion irradiation were primarily associated with vacancy-type defects in the AlN lattice for both Zr and Kr ions. The density of these emitters increased with ion fluence, and there was an optimal value that resulted in a high density of emitters with low AlN background fluorescence. Under a shorter excitation wavelength of 405 nm, Zr-irradiated AlN exhibited isolated point-like emitters with fluorescence in the spectral range theoretically predicted for spin-defects. However, similar defects emitting in the same spectral range were also observed in AlN irradiated with Kr ions as well as in as-grown AlN with intrinsic defects. This result is supportive of the earlier theoretical predictions, but at the same time highlights the difficulties in identifying the sought-after quantum emitters with interesting properties related to the incorporation of Zr ions into the AlN lattice by fluorescence alone. The results of this study largely contribute to the field of creating quantum emitters in AlN by ion irradiation and direct future studies emphasizing the need for spatially localized Zr implantation and testing for specific spin properties.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  3. Metasurfaces have recently risen to prominence in optical research, providing unique functionalities that can be used for imaging, beam forming, holography, polarimetry, and many more, while keeping device dimensions small. Despite the fact that a vast range of basic metasurface designs has already been thoroughly studied in the literature, the number of metasurfacerelated papers is still growing at a rapid pace, as metasurface research is now spreading to adjacent fields, including computational imaging, augmented and virtual reality, automotive, display, biosensing, nonlinear, quantum and topological optics, optical computing, and more. At the same time, the ability of metasurfaces to perform optical functions in much more compact optical systems has triggered strong and constantly growing interest from various industries that greatly benefit from the availability of miniaturized, highly functional, and efficient optical components that can be integrated in optoelectronic systems at low cost. This creates a truly unique opportunity for the field of metasurfaces to make both a scientific and an industrial impact. The goal of this Roadmap is to mark this “golden age” of metasurface research and define future directions to encourage scientists and engineers to drive research and development in the field of metasurfaces toward both scientific excellence and broad industrial adoption. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 20, 2025
  4. We demonstrate an industrially scalable fabrication process for the integration of SiN/SiO2single photon emitters into on-chip nanophotonic structures with sub-diffraction limited placement accuracy.

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  5. Newly discovered silicon nitride quantum emitters hold great promise for industrial-scale quantum photonic applications. We assess the performance of intrinsic room-temperature SiN single-photon emitters for quantum key distribution, showcasing their exceptional brightness and single-photon purity.

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  6. A robust process for fabricating intrinsic single-photon emitters in silicon nitride has been recently established. These emitters show promise for quantum applications due to room-temperature operation and monolithic integration with the technologically mature silicon nitride photonics platform. Here, the fundamental photophysical properties of these emitters are probed through measurements of optical transition wavelengths, linewidths, and photon antibunching as a function of temperature from 4.2K to 300K. Important insight into the potential for lifetime-limited linewidths is provided through measurements of inhomogeneous and temperature-dependent homogeneous broadening of the zero-phonon lines. At 4.2K, spectral diffusion was found to be the main broadening mechanism, while time-resolved spectroscopy measurements revealed homogeneously broadened zero-phonon lines with instrument-limited linewidths. 
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  7. Abstract Diamond color centers have been widely studied in the field of quantum optics. The negatively charged silicon vacancy (SiV − ) center exhibits a narrow emission linewidth at the wavelength of 738 nm, a high Debye–Waller factor, and unique spin properties, making it a promising emitter for quantum information technologies, biological imaging, and sensing. In particular, nanodiamond (ND)-based SiV − centers can be heterogeneously integrated with plasmonic and photonic nanostructures and serve as in vivo biomarkers and intracellular thermometers. Out of all methods to produce NDs with SiV − centers, ion implantation offers the unique potential to create controllable numbers of color centers in preselected individual NDs. However, the formation of single color centers in NDs with this technique has not been realized. We report the creation of single SiV − centers featuring stable high-purity single-photon emission through Si implantation into NDs with an average size of ∼20 nm. We observe room temperature emission, with zero-phonon line wavelengths in the range of 730–800 nm and linewidths below 10 nm. Our results offer new opportunities for the controlled production of group-IV diamond color centers with applications in quantum photonics, sensing, and biomedicine. 
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  8. We report the first demonstration of single silicon vacancy center creation in 20 nm nanodiamonds using silicon ion implantation combined with thermal annealing. Room-temperature single photon emission with linewidth below 10 nm is observed.

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