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Award ID contains: 2037652

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  1. Abstract

    Ultra-thin films of low damping ferromagnetic insulators with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy have been identified as critical to advancing spin-based electronics by significantly reducing the threshold for current-induced magnetization switching while enabling new types of hybrid structures or devices. Here, we have developed a new class of ultra-thin spinel structure Li0.5Al1.0Fe1.5O4(LAFO) films on MgGa2O4(MGO) substrates with: 1) perpendicular magnetic anisotropy; 2) low magnetic damping and 3) the absence of degraded or magnetic dead layers. These films have been integrated with epitaxial Pt spin source layers to demonstrate record low magnetization switching currents and high spin-orbit torque efficiencies. These LAFO films on MGO thus combine all of the desirable properties of ferromagnetic insulators with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, opening new possibilities for spin based electronics.

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  2. A universal synthesis strategy of coating crystalline core colloidal nanoparticles with amorphous metallic glass shell. We can form conformal CoB and NiB shell coatings with controlled thicknesses on different sized Au and Pt core nanoparticles.

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  3. We have stabilized epitaxial oxide thin films of transparent, magnetic Ru-doped BaSnO3. Films were grown by pulsed laser deposition and exhibited excellent epitaxy and crystallinity as determined by x-ray diffraction. Epitaxial films of Ru doped BaSnO3 were grown with a ceramic target of nominally 4% Ru doping on the Sn site but resulted in 3% Ru doping in the  lms. Paramagnetic behavior is observed in all  lms with a Curie law dependence on temperature. The field dependence of the magnetization shows a paramagnetic moment that saturates at a value consistent with low spin Ru. Films are also found to be transparent in the visible regime. Together these results demonstrate the realization of highly crystalline, transparent, paramagnetic,epitaxial doped BaSnO3 films. 
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