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Award ID contains: 2040971

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  1. We consider a dynamic pricing problem where customer response to the current price is impacted by the customer price expectation, aka reference price. We study a simple and novel reference price mechanism where reference price is the average of the past prices offered by the seller. As opposed to the more commonly studied exponential smoothing mechanism, in our reference price mechanism the prices offered by seller have a longer-term effect on the future customer expectations. We show that under this mechanism, a markdown policy is near-optimal irrespective of the parameters of the model. This matches the common intuition that a seller may be better off by starting with a higher price and then decreasing it, as the customers feel like they are getting bargains on items that are ordinarily more expensive. For linear demand models, we also provide a detailed characterization of the near-optimal markdown policy along with an efficient way of computing it. We then consider a more challenging dynamic pricing and learning problem, where the demand model parameters are apriori unknown, and the seller needs to learn them online from the customersโ€™ responses to the offered prices while simultaneously optimizing revenue. The objective is to minimize regret, i.e., the ๐‘‡-round revenue loss compared to a clairvoyant optimal policy. This task essentially amounts to learning a non-stationary optimal policy in a time-variant Markov Decision Process (MDP). For linear demand models, we provide an efficient learning algorithm with an optimal ๐‘‚(โˆš๐‘‡ ) regret upper bound. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 11, 2025
  2. It is common to quantify causal effects with mean values, which, however, may fail to capture significant distribution differences of the outcome under different treatments. We study the problem of estimating the density of the causal effect of a binary treatment on a continuous outcome given a binary instrumental variable in the presence of covariates. Specifically, we consider the local treatment effect, which measures the effect of treatment among those who comply with the assignment under the assumption of monotonicity (only the ones who were offered the treatment take it). We develop two families of methods for this task, kernel-smoothing and model-based approximations -- the former smoothes the density by convoluting with a smooth kernel function; the latter projects the density onto a finite-dimensional density class. For both approaches, we derive double/debiased machine learning (DML) based estimators. We study the asymptotic convergence rates of the estimators and show that they are robust to the biases in nuisance function estimation. We illustrate the proposed methods on synthetic data and a real dataset called 401(k). 
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  3. General methods have been developed for estimating causal effects from observational data under causal assumptions encoded in the form of a causal graph. Most of this literature assumes that the underlying causal graph is completely specified. However, only observational data is available in most practical settings, which means that one can learn at most a Markov equivalence class (MEC) of the underlying causal graph. In this paper, we study the problem of causal estimation from a MEC represented by a partial ancestral graph (PAG), which is learnable from observational data. We develop a general estimator for any identifiable causal effects in a PAG. The result fills a gap for an end-to-end solution to causal inference from observational data to effects estimation. Specifically, we develop a complete identification algorithm that derives an influence function for any identifiable causal effects from PAGs. We then construct a double/debiased machine learning (DML) estimator that is robust to model misspecification and biases in nuisance function estimation, permitting the use of modern machine learning techniques. Simulation results corroborate with the theory. 
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