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Award ID contains: 2144994

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  1. We study the problem of learning hierarchical polynomials over the standard Gaussian distribution with three-layer neural networks. We specifically consider target functions of the form where is a degree polynomial and is a degree polynomial. This function class generalizes the single-index model, which corresponds to , and is a natural class of functions possessing an underlying hierarchical structure. Our main result shows that for a large subclass of degree polynomials , a three-layer neural network trained via layerwise gradient descent on the square loss learns the target up to vanishing test error in samples and polynomial time. This is a strict improvement over kernel methods, which require samples, as well as existing guarantees for two-layer networks, which require the target function to be low-rank. Our result also generalizes prior works on three-layer neural networks, which were restricted to the case of being a quadratic. When is indeed a quadratic, we achieve the information-theoretically optimal sample complexity , which is an improvement over prior work (Nichani et al., 2023) requiring a sample size of . Our proof proceeds by showing that during the initial stage of training the network performs feature learning to recover the feature with samples. This work demonstrates the ability of three-layer neural networks to learn complex features and as a result, learn a broad class of hierarchical functions. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 5, 2025
  2. Large language models like GPT-4 exhibit emergent capabilities across general-purpose tasks, such as basic arithmetic, when trained on extensive text data, even though these tasks are not explicitly encoded by the unsupervised, next-token prediction objective. This study investigates how even small transformers, trained from random initialization, can efficiently learn arithmetic operations such as addition, multiplication, and elementary functions like square root, using the next-token prediction objective. We first demonstrate that conventional training data is not the most effective for arithmetic learning, and simple formatting changes can significantly improve accuracy. This leads to sharp phase transitions as a function of training data scale, which, in some cases, can be explained through connections to low-rank matrix completion. Building on prior work, we then train on chain-of-thought style data that includes intermediate step results. Even in the complete absence of pretraining, this approach significantly and simultaneously improves accuracy, sample complexity, and convergence speed. We also study the interplay between arithmetic and text data during training and examine the effects of few-shot prompting, pretraining, and parameter scaling. Additionally, we discuss the challenges associated with length generalization. Our work highlights the importance of high-quality, instructive data that considers the particular characteristics of the next-word prediction loss for rapidly eliciting arithmetic capabilities. 
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  3. Recent research has observed that in machine learning optimization, gradient descent (GD) often operates at the edge of stability (EoS) [Cohen, et al., 2021], where the stepsizes are set to be large, resulting in non-monotonic losses induced by the GD iterates. This paper studies the convergence and implicit bias of constant-stepsize GD for logistic regression on linearly separable data in the EoS regime. Despite the presence of local oscillations, we prove that the logistic loss can be minimized by GD with \emph{any} constant stepsize over a long time scale. Furthermore, we prove that with \emph{any} constant stepsize, the GD iterates tend to infinity when projected to a max-margin direction (the hard-margin SVM direction) and converge to a fixed vector that minimizes a strongly convex potential when projected to the orthogonal complement of the max-margin direction. In contrast, we also show that in the EoS regime, GD iterates may diverge catastrophically under the exponential loss, highlighting the superiority of the logistic loss. These theoretical findings are in line with numerical simulations and complement existing theories on the convergence and implicit bias of GD for logistic regressio 
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  4. Traditional analyses of gradient descent show that when the largest eigenvalue of the Hessian, also known as the sharpness S(θ), is bounded by 2/η, training is "stable" and the training loss decreases monotonically. Recent works, however, have observed that this assumption does not hold when training modern neural networks with full batch or large batch gradient descent. Most recently, Cohen et al. (2021) observed two important phenomena. The first, dubbed progressive sharpening, is that the sharpness steadily increases throughout training until it reaches the instability cutoff 2/η. The second, dubbed edge of stability, is that the sharpness hovers at 2/η for the remainder of training while the loss continues decreasing, albeit non-monotonically. We demonstrate that, far from being chaotic, the dynamics of gradient descent at the edge of stability can be captured by a cubic Taylor expansion: as the iterates diverge in direction of the top eigenvector of the Hessian due to instability, the cubic term in the local Taylor expansion of the loss function causes the curvature to decrease until stability is restored. This property, which we call self-stabilization, is a general property of gradient descent and explains its behavior at the edge of stability. A key consequence of self-stabilization is that gradient descent at the edge of stability implicitly follows projected gradient descent (PGD) under the constraint S(θ)≤2/η. Our analysis provides precise predictions for the loss, sharpness, and deviation from the PGD trajectory throughout training, which we verify both empirically in a number of standard settings and theoretically under mild conditions. Our analysis uncovers the mechanism for gradient descent's implicit bias towards stability. 
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