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Award ID contains: 2300548

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  1. Abstract

    Global climate changes, especially the rise of global mean temperature due to the increased carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, can, in turn, result in higher anthropogenic and biogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This potentially leads to a positive loop of climate–carbon feedback in the Earth’s climate system, which calls for sustainable environmental strategies that can mitigate both heat and carbon emissions, such as urban greening. In this study, we investigate the impact of urban irrigation over green spaces on ambient temperatures and CO2exchange across major cities in the contiguous United States. Our modeling results indicate that the carbon release from urban ecosystem respiration is reduced by evaporative cooling in humid climate, but promoted in arid/semi-arid regions due to increased soil moisture. The irrigation-induced environmental co-benefit in heat and carbon mitigation is, in general, positively correlated with urban greening fraction and has the potential to help counteract climate–carbon feedback in the built environment.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 18, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Global climate change has been shown to cause longer, more intense, and frequent heatwaves, of which anthropogenic stressors concentrated in urban areas are a critical contributor. In this study, we investigate the causal interactions during heatwaves across 520 urban sites in the U.S. combining complex network and causal analysis. The presence of regional mediators is manifest in the constructed causal networks, together with long-range teleconnections. More importantly, megacities, such as New York City and Chicago, are causally connected with most of other cities and mediate the structure of urban networks during heatwaves. We also identified a significantly positive correlation between the causality strength and the total populations in megacities. These findings corroborate the contribution of human activities e.g., anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases or waste heat, to urban heatwaves. The emergence of teleconnections and supernodes are informative for the prediction and adaptation to heatwaves under global climate change.

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  3. The exacerbated thermal environment in cities, the urban heat island (UHI) effect as a prominent example, has been the source of many adverse urban environmental issues, including the increase of health risks, degradation of air quality and ecosystem services, and reduced resiliency of engineering infrastructure. Last decades have witnessed tremendous efforts and resources being invested to find sustainable solutions for urban heat mitigation, whereas the relative contributions of different UHI attributes and their patterns of spatio-temporal variability remain obscure. In this study, we employed the random forest (RF) method to quantify the relative importance of four categories of urban surface characteristics that regulate the surface UHI, namely the urban greenery fraction, land surface albedo, urban morphology, and level of human activities. We selected seventeen major cities from six megaregions in China as our study areas, with the RF training and test sets obtained from multi-sourced remote sensing and observational data products. It is found that the urban greenery coverage manifests as the most important environmental determinants of UHI, followed by surface albedo. The results are informative for urban planners, policymakers, and engineering practitioners to design and implement sustainable strategies for urban heat mitigation. 
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