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Ahn, Hee-Kap ; Sadakane, Kunihiko (Ed.)Visibility problems are fundamental to computational geometry, and many versions of geometric set cover where coverage is based on visibility have been considered. In most settings, points can see "infinitely far" so long as visibility is not "blocked" by some obstacle. In many applications, this may be an unreasonable assumption. In this paper, we consider a new model of visibility where no point can see any other point beyond a sight radius ρ. In particular, we consider this visibility model in the context of terrains. We show that the VC-dimension of limited visibility terrains is exactly 7. We give lower bound construction that shatters a set of 7 points, and we prove that shattering 8 points is not possible.more » « less
Ahn, Hee-Kap ; Sadakane, Kunihiko (Ed.)We give an O(k³ Δ n log n min(k, log² n) log²(nC))-time algorithm for computing maximum integer flows in planar graphs with integer arc and vertex capacities bounded by C, and k sources and sinks. This improves by a factor of max(k²,k log² n) over the fastest algorithm previously known for this problem [Wang, SODA 2019]. The speedup is obtained by two independent ideas. First we replace an iterative procedure of Wang that uses O(k) invocations of an O(k³ n log³ n)-time algorithm for maximum flow algorithm in a planar graph with k apices [Borradaile et al., FOCS 2012, SICOMP 2017], by an alternative procedure that only makes one invocation of the algorithm of Borradaile et al. Second, we show two alternatives for computing flows in the k-apex graphs that arise in our modification of Wang’s procedure faster than the algorithm of Borradaile et al. In doing so, we introduce and analyze a sequential implementation of the parallel highest-distance push-relabel algorithm of Goldberg and Tarjan [JACM 1988].more » « less
Ahn, Hee-Kap ; Sadakane, Kunihiko (Ed.)A version of time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity, denoted KT, has received attention in the past several years, due to its close connection to circuit complexity and to the Minimum Circuit Size Problem MCSP. Essentially all results about the complexity of MCSP hold also for MKTP (the problem of computing the KT complexity of a string). Both MKTP and MCSP are hard for SZK (Statistical Zero Knowledge) under BPP-Turing reductions; neither is known to be NP-complete. Recently, some hardness results for MKTP were proved that are not (yet) known to hold for MCSP. In particular, MKTP is hard for DET (a subclass of P) under nonuniform ≤^{NC^0}_m reductions. In this paper, we improve this, to show that the complement of MKTP is hard for the (apparently larger) class NISZK_L under not only ≤^{NC^0}_m reductions but even under projections. Also, the complement of MKTP is hard for NISZK under ≤^{P/poly}_m reductions. Here, NISZK is the class of problems with non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, and NISZK_L is the non-interactive version of the class SZK_L that was studied by Dvir et al. As an application, we provide several improved worst-case to average-case reductions to problems in NP, and we obtain a new lower bound on MKTP (which is currently not known to hold for MCSP).more » « less
Ahn, Hee-Kap ; Sadakane, Kunihiko (Ed.)In the standard planar k-center clustering problem, one is given a set P of n points in the plane, and the goal is to select k center points, so as to minimize the maximum distance over points in P to their nearest center. Here we initiate the systematic study of the clustering with neighborhoods problem, which generalizes the k-center problem to allow the covered objects to be a set of general disjoint convex objects C rather than just a point set P. For this problem we first show that there is a PTAS for approximating the number of centers. Specifically, if r_opt is the optimal radius for k centers, then in n^O(1/ε²) time we can produce a set of (1+ε)k centers with radius ≤ r_opt. If instead one considers the standard goal of approximating the optimal clustering radius, while keeping k as a hard constraint, we show that the radius cannot be approximated within any factor in polynomial time unless P = NP, even when C is a set of line segments. When C is a set of unit disks we show the problem is hard to approximate within a factor of (√{13}-√3)(2-√3) ≈ 6.99. This hardness result complements our main result, where we show that when the objects are disks, of possibly differing radii, there is a (5+2√3)≈ 8.46 approximation algorithm. Additionally, for unit disks we give an O(n log k)+(k/ε)^O(k) time (1+ε)-approximation to the optimal radius, that is, an FPTAS for constant k whose running time depends only linearly on n. Finally, we show that the one dimensional version of the problem, even when intersections are allowed, can be solved exactly in O(n log n) time.more » « less
Ahn, Hee-Kap Ahn ; Sadakane, Kunihiko (Ed.)