There are growing concerns over the ability of current electricity market designs to adequately model and optimize against the stochastic nature of renewable resources such as wind and solar. In this paper, we consider an economic dispatch problem that explicitly accounts for said uncertainty and enforces network and generation limits using conditional value at risk. Our key contribution is the definition and analysis of risk-sensitive locational marginal prices (risk-LMPs) derived from such a market clearing problem. Risk-LMPs extend conventional LMPs to the uncertain setting. Settlements defined via risk-LMPs compensate resources for both energy and reserve schedules. We study these prices via sample average approximation (SAA) on example power networks to demonstrate their viability for electricity pricing with large-scale integration of renewables.
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Multi-period Risk-limiting Dispatch in Power Systems with Renewables Integration
In this paper, an improved multi-period risk-limiting dispatch (IMRLD) is proposed as an operational method in power systems with high percentage renewables integration. The basic risk-limiting dispatch (BRLD) is chosen as an operational paradigm to address the uncertainty of renewables in this paper due to its three good features. In this paper, the BRLD is extended to the IMRLD so that it satisfies the fundamental operational requirements in the power industry. In order to solve the IMRLD problem, the convexity of the IMRLD is verified. A theorem is stated and proved to transform the IMRLD into a piece-wise linear optimization problem which can be efficiently solved. In addition, the locational marginal price of the IMRLD is derived to analyze the effect of renewables integration on the marginal operational cost. Finally, two numerical tests are conducted to validate the IMRLD.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1637258
- 10026384
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
- 1551-3203
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1 to 10
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)Pricing multi-interval economic dispatch of electric power under operational uncertainty is considered in this two-part paper. Part I investigates dispatch-following incentives for generators under the locational marginal pricing (LMP) and temporal locational marginal pricing (TLMP) policies. Extending the theoretical results developed in Part I, Part II evaluates a broader set of performance measures under a general network model. For networks with power flow constraints, TLMP is shown to have an energy-congestion-ramping price decomposition. Under the one-shot dispatch and pricing model, this decomposition leads to a nonnegative merchandising surplus equal to the sum of congestion and ramping surpluses. It is also shown that, comparing with LMP, TLMP imposes a penalty on generators with limited ramping capabilities, thus giving incentives for generators to reveal their ramping limits truthfully and improve their ramping capacities. Several benchmark pricing mechanisms are evaluated under the rolling-window dispatch and pricing models. The performance measures considered are the level of out-of-the-market uplifts, the revenue adequacy of the system operator, consumer payment, generator profit, level of discriminative payment, and price volatility.more » « less