This paper addresses the complete area coverage problem of a known environment by multiple-robots. Complete area coverage is the problem of moving an end-effector over all available space while avoiding existing obstacles. In such tasks, using multiple robots can increase the efficiency of the area coverage in terms of minimizing the operational time and increase the robustness in the face of robot attrition. Unfortunately, the problem of finding an optimal solution for such an area coverage problem with multiple robots is known to be NP-complete. In this paper we present two approximation heuristics for solving the multi-robot coverage problem. The first solution presented is a direct extension of an efficient single robot area coverage algorithm, based on an exact cellular decomposition. The second algorithm is a greedy approach that divides the area into equal regions and applies an efficient single-robot coverage algorithm to each region. We present experimental results for two algorithms. Results indicate that our approaches provide good coverage distribution between robots and minimize the workload per robot, meanwhile ensuring complete coverage of the area.
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Mapping and coverage with a particle swarm controlled by uniform inputs
We propose an approach to mapping tissue and vascular systems without the use of contrast agents, based on moving and measuring magnetic particles. To this end, we consider a swarm of particles in a 1D or 2D grid that can be tracked and controlled by an external agent. Control inputs are applied uniformly so that each particle experiences the same applied forces. We present algorithms for three tasks: (1) Mapping, i.e., building a representation of the free and obstacle regions of the workspace; (2) Subset Coverage, i.e., ensuring that at least one particle reaches each of a set of desired locations; and (3) Coverage, i.e., ensuring that every free region on the map is visited by at least one particle. These tasks relate to a large body of previous work from robot navigation, both from theory and practice, which is based on individual control. We provide theoretical insights that have potential relevance for fast MRI scans with magnetically controlled contrast media. In particular, we develop a fundamentally new approach for searching for an object at an unknown distance D, where the search is subject to two different and independent cost parameters for moving and for measuring. We show that regardless of the relative cost of these two operations, there is a simple O(log D/log log D)-competitive strategy, which is the best possible. Also, we provide practically useful and computationally efficient strategies for higher-dimensional settings. These algorithms extend to any number of particles and show that additional particles tend to reduce the mean and the standard deviation of the time required for each task.
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- 10048942
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1097 to 1104
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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