The automated construction of topic taxonomies can benefit numerous
applications, including web search, recommendation, and
knowledge discovery. One of the major advantages of automatic
taxonomy construction is the ability to capture corpus-specific
information and adapt to different scenarios. To better reflect the
characteristics of a corpus, we take the meta-data of documents into
consideration and view the corpus as a text-rich network. In this
paper, we propose NetTaxo, a novel automatic topic taxonomy construction
framework, which goes beyond the existing paradigm and
allows text data to collaborate with network structure. Specifically,
we learn term embeddings from both text and network as contexts.
Network motifs are adopted to capture appropriate network
contexts. We conduct an instance-level selection for motifs, which
further refines term embedding according to the granularity and
semantics of each taxonomy node. Clustering is then applied to obtain
sub-topics under a taxonomy node. Extensive experiments on
two real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method
over the state-of-the-art, and further verify the effectiveness and
importance of instance-level motif selection.
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HiExpan: Task-Guided Taxonomy Construction by Hierarchical Tree Expansion
Taxonomies are of great value to many knowledge-rich applications.
As the manual taxonomy curation costs enormous human
effects, automatic taxonomy construction is in great demand. However,
most existing automatic taxonomy construction methods can
only build hypernymy taxonomies wherein each edge is limited
to expressing the “is-a” relation. Such a restriction limits their applicability
to more diverse real-world tasks where the parent-child
may carry different relations. In this paper, we aim to construct
a task-guided taxonomy from a domain-specific corpus, and allow
users to input a “seed” taxonomy, serving as the task guidance. We
propose an expansion-based taxonomy construction framework,
namely HiExpan, which automatically generates key term list from
the corpus and iteratively grows the seed taxonomy. Specifically,
HiExpan views all children under each taxonomy node forming a
coherent set and builds the taxonomy by recursively expanding all
these sets. Furthermore, HiExpan incorporates a weakly-supervised
relation extraction module to extract the initial children of a newly expanded
node and adjusts the taxonomy tree by optimizing its
global structure. Our experiments on three real datasets from different
domains demonstrate the effectiveness of HiExpan for building
task-guided taxonomies.
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- 10079172
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the 24th {ACM} {SIGKDD} International Conference on Knowledge Discovery {\&} Data Mining, {KDD} 2018
- Volume:
- 2018
- Issue:
- 1
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 2180 to 2189
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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