Taxonomies serve many applications with a structural representation of knowledge. To incorporate emerging concepts into existing taxonomies, the task of taxonomy completion aims to find suitable positions for emerging query concepts. Previous work captured homogeneous token-level interactions inside a concatenation of the query concept term and definition using pre-trained language mod- els. However, they ignored the token-level interactions between the term and definition of the query concepts and their related concepts. In this work, we propose to capture heterogeneous token-level interactions between the different textual components of concepts that have different types of relations. We design a relation-aware mutual attention module (RAMA) to learn such interactions for taxonomy completion. Experimental results demonstrate that our new taxonomy completion framework based on RAMA achieves the state-of-the-art performance on six taxonomy datasets.
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Enhancing Taxonomy Completion with Concept Generation via Fusing Relational Representations
Automatic construction of a taxonomy supports many applications in e-commerce, web search, and question answering. Existing taxonomy expansion or completion methods assume that new concepts have been accurately extracted and their embedding vectors learned from the text corpus. However, one critical and fundamental challenge in fixing the incompleteness of taxonomies is the incompleteness of the extracted concepts, especially for those whose names have multiple words and consequently low frequency in the corpus. To resolve the limitations of extraction-based methods, we propose GenTaxo to enhance taxonomy completion by identifying positions in existing taxonomies that need new concepts and then generating appropriate concept names. Instead of relying on the corpus for concept embeddings, GenTaxo learns the contextual embeddings from their surrounding graph-based and language-based relational information, and leverages the corpus for pre-training a concept name generator. Experimental results demonstrate that GenTaxo improves the completeness of taxonomies over existing methods.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1901059
- 10334395
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 2104 to 2113
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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