We consider the task of assigning indivisible goods to a set of agents in a fair manner. Our notion of fairness is Nash social welfare, i.e., the goal is to maximize the geometric mean of the utilities of the agents. Each good comes in multiple items or copies, and the utility of an agent diminishes as it receives more items of the same good. The utility of a bundle of items for an agent is the sum of the utilities of the items in the bundle. Each agent has a utility cap beyond which he does not value additional items. We give a polynomial time approximation algorithm that maximizes Nash social welfare up to a factor of e^{1/{e}} ~ 1.445. The computed allocation is Pareto-optimal and approximates envy-freeness up to one item up to a factor of 2 + epsilon.
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Near-Neighbor Methods in Random Preference Completion
This paper studies a stylized, yet natural, learning-to-rank problem and points out the critical incorrectness of a widely used nearest neighbor algorithm. We consider a model with n agents (users) {xi}i∈[n] and m alternatives (items) {yl}l∈[m], each of which is associated with a latent feature vector. Agents rank items nondeterministically according to the Plackett-Luce model, where the higher the utility of an item to the agent, the more likely this item will be ranked high by the agent. Our goal is to identify near neighbors of an arbitrary agent in the latent space for prediction.
We first show that the Kendall-tau distance based kNN produces incorrect results in our model. Next, we propose a new anchor-based algorithm to find neighbors of an agent. A salient feature of our algorithm is that it leverages the rankings of many other agents (the so-called “anchors”) to determine the closeness/similarities of two agents. We provide a rigorous analysis for one-dimensional latent space, and complement the theoretical results with experiments on synthetic and real datasets. The experiments confirm that the new algorithm is robust and practical.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1755769
- 10108717
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- 2159-5399
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)In this paper, we study Federated Bandit, a decentralized Multi-Armed Bandit problem with a set of N agents, who can only communicate their local data with neighbors described by a connected graph G. Each agent makes a sequence of decisions on selecting an arm from M candidates, yet they only have access to local and potentially biased feedback/evaluation of the true reward for each action taken. Learning only locally will lead agents to sub-optimal actions while converging to a no-regret strategy requires a collection of distributed data. Motivated by the proposal of federated learning, we aim for a solution with which agents will never share their local observations with a central entity, and will be allowed to only share a private copy of his/her own information with their neighbors. We first propose a decentralized bandit algorithm \textttGossip\_UCB, which is a coupling of variants of both the classical gossiping algorithm and the celebrated Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) bandit algorithm. We show that \textttGossip\_UCB successfully adapts local bandit learning into a global gossiping process for sharing information among connected agents, and achieves guaranteed regret at the order of O(\max\ \textttpoly (N,M) łog T, \textttpoly (N,M)łog_łambda_2^-1 N\ ) for all N agents, where łambda_2\in(0,1) is the second largest eigenvalue of the expected gossip matrix, which is a function of G. We then propose \textttFed\_UCB, a differentially private version of \textttGossip\_UCB, in which the agents preserve ε-differential privacy of their local data while achieving O(\max \\frac\textttpoly (N,M) ε łog^2.5 T, \textttpoly (N,M) (łog_łambda_2^-1 N + łog T) \ ) regret.more » « less