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Title: Criteria for Embedded Eigenvalues for Discrete Schrödinger Operators

In this paper, we consider discrete Schrödinger operators of the form, $$\begin{equation*} (Hu)(n) = u({n+1})+u({n-1})+V(n)u(n). \end{equation*}$$We view $H$ as a perturbation of the free operator $H_0$, where $(H_0u)(n)= u({n+1})+u({n-1})$. For $H_0$ (no perturbation), $\sigma _{\textrm{ess}}(H_0)=\sigma _{\textrm{ac}}(H)=[-2,2]$ and $H_0$ does not have eigenvalues embedded into $(-2,2)$. It is an interesting and important problem to identify the perturbation such that the operator $H_0+V$ has one eigenvalue (finitely many eigenvalues or countable eigenvalues) embedded into $(-2,2)$. We introduce the almost sign type potentials and develop the Prüfer transformation to address this problem, which leads to the following five results. 1: We obtain the sharp spectral transition for the existence of irrational type eigenvalues or rational type eigenvalues with even denominators.2: Suppose $\limsup _{n\to \infty } n|V(n)|=a<\infty .$ We obtain a lower/upper bound of $a$ such that $H_0+V$ has one rational type eigenvalue with odd denominator.3: We obtain the asymptotical behavior of embedded eigenvalues around the boundaries of $(-2,2)$.4: Given any finite set of points $\{ E_j\}_{j=1}^N$ in $(-2,2)$ with $0\notin \{ E_j\}_{j=1}^N+\{ E_j\}_{j=1}^N$, we construct the explicit potential $V(n)=\frac{O(1)}{1+|n|}$ such that $H=H_0+V$ has eigenvalues $\{ E_j\}_{j=1}^N$.5: Given any countable set of points $\{ E_j\}$ in $(-2,2)$ with $0\notin \{ E_j\}+\{ E_j\}$, and any function $h(n)>0$ going to infinity arbitrarily slowly, we construct the explicit potential $|V(n)|\leq \frac{h(n)}{1+|n|}$ such that $H=H_0+V$ has eigenvalues $\{ E_j\}$.

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Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
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Journal Name:
International Mathematics Research Notices
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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