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Title: Metamorphic Testing: A Simple Yet Effective Approach for Testing Scientific Software
Testing scientific software is a difficult task due to their inherent complexity and the lack of test oracles. In addition, these software systems are usually developed by end-user developers who are not normally trained as professional software developers nor testers. These factors often lead to inadequate testing. Metamorphic testing (MT) is a simple yet effective testing technique for testing such applications. Even though MT is a well known technique in the software testing community, it is not very well utilized by the scientific software developers. The objective of this paper is to present MT as an effective technique for testing scientific software. To this end, we discuss why MT is an appropriate testing technique for scientists and engineers who are not primarily trained as software developers. Specifically, how it can be used to conduct systematic and effective testing on programs that do not have test oracles without requiring additional testing tools.  more » « less
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Computing in science engineering
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  3. Summary

    Metamorphic testing (MT) is widely used for testing programs that face the oracle problem. It uses a set of metamorphic relations (MRs), which are relations among multiple inputs and their corresponding outputs to determine whether the program under test is faulty. Typically, MRs vary in their ability to detect faults in the program under test, and some MRs tend to detect the same set of faults. In this paper, we propose approaches to prioritize MRs to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of MT for regression testing. We present two MR prioritization approaches: (i) fault‐based and (ii) coverage‐based. To evaluate these MR prioritization approaches, we conduct experiments on three complex open‐source software systems. Our results show that the MR prioritization approaches developed by us significantly outperform the current practice of executing the source and follow‐up test cases of the MRs in an ad‐hoc manner in terms of fault detection effectiveness. Further, fault‐based MR prioritization leads to reducing the number of source and follow‐up test cases that needs to be executed as well as reducing the average time taken to detect a fault, which would result in saving time and cost during the testing process.

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