Title: Brief Announcement: Integrating Temporal Information to Spatial Information in a Neural Circuit
In this paper, we consider networks of deterministic spiking neurons, firing synchronously at discrete times. We consider the problem of translating temporal information into spatial information in such networks, an important task that is carried out by actual brains. Specifically, we define two problems:“First Consecutive Spikes Counting” and “Total Spikes Counting”, which model temporal-coding and rate-coding aspects of temporal-to-spatial translation respectively. Assuming an upper bound of T on the length of the temporal input signal, we design two networks that solve two problems, each using O(logT) neurons and terminating in time T+ 1. We also prove that these bounds are tight. more »« less
Wang, Brabeeba; Lynch, Nancy(
, 33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC))
In this paper, we consider networks of deterministic spiking neurons, firing synchronously at discrete times. We consider the problem of translating temporal information into spatial information in such networks, an important task that is carried out by actual brains. Specifically, we define two problems: "First Consecutive Spikes Counting" and "Total Spikes Counting", which model temporal-coding and rate-coding aspects of temporal-to-spatial translation respectively. Assuming an upper bound of T on the length of the temporal input signal, we design two networks that solve two problems, each using O(log T) neurons and terminating in time T+1. We also prove that these bounds are tight.
In this paper, we consider a network of spiking neurons with a deterministic synchronous firing rule at discrete time. We propose three problems – “first consecutive spikes counting”,“total spikes counting” and “k-spikes temporal to spatial encoding” – to model how brains extract temporal information into spatial information from different neural codings. For a max input length T, we design three networks that solve these three problems with matching lower bounds in bothtime O(T) and number of neurons O(logT) in all three questions.
Hitron, Yael; Parter, Merav(
, European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA))
We consider the task of measuring time with probabilistic threshold gates implemented by bio-inspired spiking neurons. In the model of spiking neural networks, network evolves in discrete rounds, where in each round, neurons fire in pulses in response to a sufficiently high membrane potential. This potential is induced by spikes from neighboring neurons that fired in the previous round, which can have either an excitatory or inhibitory effect. We first consider a deterministic implementation of a neural timer and show that Θ(logt) (deterministic) threshold gates are both sufficient and necessary. This raised the question of whether randomness can be leveraged to reduce the number of neurons. We answer this question in the affirmative by considering neural timers with spiking neurons where the neuron y is required to fire for t consecutive rounds with probability at least 1−δ, and should stop firing after at most 2t rounds with probability 1−δ for some input parameter δ∈(0,1). Our key result is a construction of a neural timer with O(loglog1/δ) spiking neurons. Interestingly, this construction uses only one spiking neuron, while the remaining neurons can be deterministic threshold gates. We complement this construction with a matching lower bound of Ω(min{loglog1/δ,logt}) neurons. This provides the first separation between deterministic and randomized constructions in the setting of spiking neural networks. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of compressed counting networks for synchronizing neural networks.
We consider the task of measuring time with probabilistic threshold gates implemented by bio-inspired spiking neurons. In the model of spiking neural networks, network evolves in discrete rounds, where in each round, neurons fire in pulses in response to a sufficiently high membrane potential. This potential is induced by spikes from neighboring neurons that fired in the previous round, which can have either an excitatory or inhibitory effect. Discovering the underlying mechanisms by which the brain perceives the duration of time is one of the largest open enigma in computational neuroscience. To gain a better algorithmic understanding onto these processes, we introduce the neural timer problem. In this problem, one is given a time parameter t, an input neuron x, and an output neuron y. It is then required to design a minimum sized neural network (measured by the number of auxiliary neurons) in which every spike from x in a given round i, makes the output y fire for the subsequent t consecutive rounds.We first consider a deterministic implementation of a neural timer and show that Θ(logt)(deterministic) threshold gates are both sufficient and necessary. This raised the question of whether randomness can be leveraged to reduce the number of neurons. We answer this question in the affirmative by considering neural timers with spiking neurons where the neuron y is required to fire for t consecutive rounds with probability at least 1−δ, and should stop firing after at most 2 t rounds with probability 1−δ for some input parameter δ∈(0,1). Our key result is a construction of a neural timer with O(log log 1/δ) spiking neurons. Interestingly, this construction uses only one spiking neuron, while the remaining neurons can be deterministic threshold gates. We complement this construction with a matching lower bound of Ω(min{log log 1/δ,logt}) neurons. This provides the first separation between deterministic and randomized constructions in the setting of spiking neural networks.Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of compressed counting networks for synchronizing neural networks. In the spirit of distributed synchronizers [Awerbuch-Peleg, FOCS’90], we provide a general transformation (or simulation) that can take any synchronized network solution and simulate it in an asynchronous setting (where edges have arbitrary response latencies) while incurring a small overhead w.r.t the number of neurons and computation time.
Lee, Jeong-Jun; Li, Peng(
, 2024 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED))
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are brain-inspired computing models with event-driven based low-power operations and unique temporal dynamics. However, spatial and temporal dynamics in SNNs pose a significant overhead in accelerating neural computations and limit the computing capabilities of neuromorphic accelerators. Especially, unstructured sparsity emergent in both space and time, i.e., across neurons and time points, and iterative computations across time points cause a primary bottleneck in data movement.
In this work, we propose a novel technique and architecture that allow the exploitation of temporal information compression with structured sparsity and parallelism across time, and significantly improves data movement on a systolic array. We split a full range of temporal domain into several time windows (TWs) where a TW packs multiple time points, and encode the temporal information in each TW with Split-Time Temporal coding (STT) by limiting the number of spikes within a TW up to one. STT enables sparsification and structurization of irregular firing activities and dramatically reduces computational overhead while delivering competitive classification accuracy without a huge drop. To further improve the data reuse, we propose an Integration Through Time (ITT) technique that processes integration steps across different TWs in parallel with a systolic array. The proposed architecture with STT and ITT offers an application-independent solution for spike-based models across various types of layers and networks. The proposed architecture delivers 97X latency and 78X energy efficiency improvements on average over a conventional SNN baseline on different benchmarks.
Wang, Brabeeba, and Lynch, Nancy. Brief Announcement: Integrating Temporal Information to Spatial Information in a Neural Circuit. Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10161824. 33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) .
Wang, Brabeeba, & Lynch, Nancy. Brief Announcement: Integrating Temporal Information to Spatial Information in a Neural Circuit. 33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), (). Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10161824.
Wang, Brabeeba, and Lynch, Nancy.
"Brief Announcement: Integrating Temporal Information to Spatial Information in a Neural Circuit". 33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) (). Country unknown/Code not available. https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10161824.
place = {Country unknown/Code not available},
title = {Brief Announcement: Integrating Temporal Information to Spatial Information in a Neural Circuit},
url = {https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10161824},
abstractNote = {In this paper, we consider networks of deterministic spiking neurons, firing synchronously at discrete times. We consider the problem of translating temporal information into spatial information in such networks, an important task that is carried out by actual brains. Specifically, we define two problems:“First Consecutive Spikes Counting” and “Total Spikes Counting”, which model temporal-coding and rate-coding aspects of temporal-to-spatial translation respectively. Assuming an upper bound of T on the length of the temporal input signal, we design two networks that solve two problems, each using O(logT) neurons and terminating in time T+ 1. We also prove that these bounds are tight.},
journal = {33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC)},
author = {Wang, Brabeeba and Lynch, Nancy},
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