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Title: How smart your smartphone is in lie detection?
Lying is a (practically) unavoidable component of our day to day interactions with other people, and it includes both oral and textual communications (e.g. text entered via smartphones). Detecting when a person is lying has important applications, especially with the ubiquity of messaging via smart-phones, coupled with rampant increases in (intentional) spread of mis-information today. In this paper, we design a technique to detect whether or not a person's textual inputs when typed via a smartphone indicate lying. To do so, first, we judiciously develop a smartphone based survey that guarantees any participant to provide a mix of true and false responses. While the participant is texting out responses to each question, the smartphone measures readings from its inbuilt inertial sensors, and then computes features like shaking, acceleration, tilt angle, typing speed etc. experienced by it. Subsequently, for each participant (47 in total), we glean the true and false responses using our own experiences with them, and also via informal discussions with each participant. By comparing the responses of each participant, along with the corresponding motion features computed by the smartphone, we implement several machine learning algorithms to detect when a participant is lying, and our accuracy is around 70% in the most stringent leave-one-out evaluation strategy. Later, utilizing findings of our analysis, we develop an architecture for real-time lie detection using smartphones. Yet another user evaluation of our lie detection system yields 84%-90% accuracy in detecting false responses.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
MobiQuitous '19: Proceedings of the 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services
Page Range / eLocation ID:
338 to 347
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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