- Award ID(s):
- 1834300
- 10216228
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
- Volume:
- 77
- Issue:
- 8
- 0022-4928
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 2649 to 2664
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)Abstract The existence of supergradient wind in the interior of the boundary layer is a distinct feature of a tropical cyclone (TC). Although the vertical advection is shown to enhance supergradient wind in TC boundary layer (TCBL), how and to what extent the strength and structure of supergradient wind are modulated by vertical advection are not well understood. In this study, both a TCBL model and an axisymmetric full-physics model are used to quantify the contribution of vertical advection process to the strength and vertical structure of supergradient wind in TCBL. Results from the TCBL model show that the removal of vertical advection of radial wind reduces both the strength and height of supergradient wind by slightly more than 50%. The removal of vertical advection of agradient wind reduces the height of the supergradient wind core by ~30% but increases the strength of supergradient wind by ~10%. Results from the full-physics model show that the removal of vertical advection of radial wind or agradient wind reduces both the strength and height of supergradient wind but the removal of that of radial wind produces a more substantial reduction (52%) than the removal of that of agradient wind (35%). However, both the intensification rate and final intensity of the simulated TCs in terms of maximum 10-m wind speed show little differences in experiments with and without the vertical advection of radial or agradient wind, suggesting that supergradient wind contributes little to either the intensification rate or the steady-state intensity of the simulated TC.more » « less
Abstract The formation of a plausible secondary eyewall is examined with two principal simulation experiments that differ only in the fixed value of rain fall speed, one with a value of 70 m s−1(approaching the pseudo-adiabatic limit) that simulates a secondary eyewall, and one with a value of 7 m s−1that does not simulate a secondary eyewall. Key differences are sought between these idealized three-dimensional simulations. A notable expansion of the lower-tropospheric tangential wind field to approximately 400-km radius is found associated with the precursor period of the secondary eyewall. The wind field expansion is traced to an enhanced vertical mass flux across the 5.25-km height level, which leads, in turn, to enhanced radial inflow in the lower troposphere and above the boundary layer. The inflow spins up the tangential wind outside the primary eyewall via the conventional spinup mechanism. This amplified tangential wind field is linked to a broad region of outwardly directed agradient force in the upper boundary layer. Whereas scattered convection is found outside the primary eyewall in both simulations, the agradient force is shown to promote a ring-like organization of this convection when boundary layer convergence occurs in a persistent, localized region of supergradient winds. The results support prior work highlighting a new model of secondary eyewall formation emphasizing a boundary layer control pathway for initiating the outer eyewall as part of the rotating convection paradigm of tropical cyclone evolution.
Abstract The dynamics of an asymmetric rainband complex leading into secondary eyewall formation (SEF) are examined in a simulation of Hurricane Matthew (2016), with particular focus on the tangential wind field evolution. Prior to SEF, the storm experiences an axisymmetric broadening of the tangential wind field as a stationary rainband complex in the downshear quadrants intensifies. The axisymmetric acceleration pattern that causes this broadening is an inward-descending structure of positive acceleration nearly 100 km wide in radial extent and maximizes in the low levels near 50 km radius. Vertical advection from convective updrafts in the downshear-right quadrant largely contributes to the low-level acceleration maximum, while the broader inward-descending pattern is due to horizontal advection within stratiform precipitation in the downshear-left quadrant. This broad slantwise pattern of positive acceleration is due to a mesoscale descending inflow (MDI) that is driven by midlevel cooling within the stratiform regions and draws absolute angular momentum inward. The MDI is further revealed by examining the irrotational component of the radial velocity, which shows the MDI extending downwind into the upshear-left quadrant. Here, the MDI connects with the boundary layer, where new convective updrafts are triggered along its inner edge; these new upshear-left updrafts are found to be important to the subsequent axisymmetrization of the low-level tangential wind maximum within the incipient secondary eyewall.more » « less
Abstract Recent studies have demonstrated the sensitivity of simulated tropical cyclone (TC) intensity to horizontal diffusion in numerical models. It is unclear whether such sensitivity comes from the horizontal diffusion in or above the boundary layer. To address this issue, both an Ooyama-type model and a full-physics model are used to conduct sensitivity experiments with reduced or enlarged horizontal mixing length (
lh ) in the boundary layer and/or in the free atmosphere. Results from both models show that enlarging (reducing)lh throughout the model domain considerably reduces (increases) the TC intensification rate and quasi-steady intensity. A new finding is that changinglh above the boundary layer imposes a much greater influence than that in the boundary layer. Largelh above the boundary layer is found to effectively reduce the radial gradient of tangential wind inside the radius of maximum tangential wind and thus the inward flux of absolute vorticity, reducing the positive tangential wind tendency and the TC intensification rate and the steady-state intensity. In contrast, although largerlh in the boundary layer reduces the boundary layer tangential wind tendency, it also leads to the more inward-penetrated inflow and thus enhances the inward flux of absolute vorticity, which offsets part of the direct negative contribution by horizontal diffusion, making the net change in tangential wind tendency not obvious. Results from three-dimensional simulations also show that the resolved eddies contribute negatively to TC spinup whenlh is small, while its effect weakens whenlh is enhanced either in or above the boundary layer. -
Abstract An idealized, three‐dimensional, 1 km horizontal grid spacing numerical simulation of a rapidly intensifying tropical cyclone is used to extend basic knowledge on the role of mean and eddy momentum transfer on the dynamics of the intensification process. Examination of terms in the tangential and radial velocity tendency equations provides an improved quantitative understanding of the dynamics of the spin‐up process within the inner‐core boundary layer and eyewall regions of the system‐scale vortex. Unbalanced and non‐axisymmetric processes are prominent features of the rapid spin‐up process. In particular, the wind asymmetries, associated in part with the asymmetric deep convection, make a substantive contribution (
∼ 30%) to the maximum wind speed inside the radius of this maximum. The analysis provides a novel explanation for inflow jets sandwiching the upper‐tropospheric outflow layer which are frequently found in numerical model simulations. In addition, it provides an opportunity to assess the applicability of generalized Ekman balance during rapid vortex spin‐up. The maximum tangential wind occurs within and near the top of the frictional inflow layer and as much as 10 km inside the maximum gradient wind. Spin‐up in the friction layer is accompanied by supergradient winds that exceed the gradient wind by up to 20%. Overall, the results affirm prior work pointing to significant limitations of a purely axisymmetric balance description, for example, gradient balance/Ekman balance, when applied to a rapidly intensifying tropical cyclone.