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Title: Performance Is Not Everything: Audio Feedback Preferred Over Visual Feedback for Grasping Task in Virtual Reality
In this work, we investigate the influence that audio and visual feedback have on a manipulation task in virtual reality (VR). Without the tactile feedback of a controller, grasping virtual objects using one’s hands can result in slower interactions because it may be unclear to the user that a grasp has occurred. Providing alternative feedback, such as visual or audio cues, may lead to faster and more precise interactions, but might also affect user preference and perceived ownership of the virtual hands. In this study, we test four feedback conditions for virtual grasping. Three of the conditions provide feedback for when a grasp or release occurs, either visual, audio, or both, and one provides no feedback for these occurrences. We analyze the effect each feedback condition has on interaction performance, measure their effect on the perceived ownership of the virtual hands, and gauge user preference. In an experiment, users perform a pick-and-place task with each feedback condition. We found that audio feedback for grasping is preferred over visual feedback even though it seems to decrease grasping performance, and found that there were little to no differences in ownership between our conditions.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Motion, Interaction and Games
Page Range / eLocation ID:
1 to 6
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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