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Title: Random-Cluster Dynamics on Random Regular Graphs in Tree Uniqueness

We establish rapid mixing of the random-cluster Glauber dynamics on random$$\varDelta $$Δ-regular graphs for all$$q\ge 1$$q1and$$pp<pu(q,Δ), where the threshold$$p_u(q,\varDelta )$$pu(q,Δ)corresponds to a uniqueness/non-uniqueness phase transition for the random-cluster model on the (infinite)$$\varDelta $$Δ-regular tree. It is expected that this threshold is sharp, and for$$q>2$$q>2the Glauber dynamics on random$$\varDelta $$Δ-regular graphs undergoes an exponential slowdown at$$p_u(q,\varDelta )$$pu(q,Δ). More precisely, we show that for every$$q\ge 1$$q1,$$\varDelta \ge 3$$Δ3, and$$pp<pu(q,Δ), with probability$$1-o(1)$$1-o(1)over the choice of a random$$\varDelta $$Δ-regular graph onnvertices, the Glauber dynamics for the random-cluster model has$$\varTheta (n \log n)$$Θ(nlogn)mixing time. As a corollary, we deduce fast mixing of the Swendsen–Wang dynamics for the Potts model on random$$\varDelta $$Δ-regular graphs for every$$q\ge 2$$q2, in the tree uniqueness region. Our proof relies on a sharp bound on the “shattering time”, i.e., the number of steps required to break up any configuration into$$O(\log n)$$O(logn)sized clusters. This is established by analyzing a delicate and novel iterative scheme to simultaneously reveal the underlying random graph with clusters of the Glauber dynamics configuration on it, at a given time.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
Publisher / Repository:
Springer Science + Business Media
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Page Range / eLocation ID:
p. 1243-1287
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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