The feedback arc set problem is one of the most fundamental and well-studied ranking problems where n objects are to be ordered based on their pairwise comparison. The problem enjoys several efficient approximation algorithms in the offline setting. Unfortunately, online there are strong lower bounds on the competitive ratio establishing that no algorithm can perform well in the worst case.This paper introduces a new beyond-worst-case model for online feedback arc set. In the model, a sample of the input is given to the algorithm offline before the remaining instance is revealed online. This models the case in practice where yesterday's data is available and is similar to today's online instance. This sample is drawn from a known distribution which may not be uniform. We design an online algorithm with strong theoretical guarantees. The algorithm has a small constant competitive ratio when the sample is uniform---if not, we show we can recover the same result by adding a provably minimal sample. Empirical results validate the theory and show that such algorithms can be used on temporal data to obtain strong results.
- 10275102
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- NeurIPS 2021
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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