- Award ID(s):
- 2006752
- 10287553
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
- Volume:
- 53
- Issue:
- 5
- 2330-9458
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 206.01
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Using high-resolution N-body simulations, we investigate the outcome of terrestrial planet formation at short (< 100 day) orbital periods under a migration-free model. The collisional and dynamical evolution of systems of nearly 106 self-interacting planetesimals are directly followed through the final planet assembly phase. This is done by first modeling the planetesimal evolution with the tree-based N-body code ChaNGa, and then passing the results to the hybrid-symplectic N-body code genga, once the particle count has dropped sufficiently. Previously, we showed that oligarchic growth fails to operate at arbitrarily short orbital periods. This leaves a distinct feature in the mass and orbital distribution of the planetary embryos. In this most recent work, we explore whether this boundary between oligarchic and non-oligarchic growth leaves any kind of imprint on the terrestrial planets that form. If so, this would provide an important clue to evaluate whether migration played a significant role in shaping the architecture systems of tightly-packed inner planets.more » « less
Abstract Formation models in which terrestrial bodies grow via the pairwise accretion of planetesimals have been reasonably successful at reproducing the general properties of the Solar System, including small-body populations. However, planetesimal accretion has not yet been fully explored in the context of the wide variety of recently discovered extrasolar planetary systems, in particular those that host short-period terrestrial planets. In this work, we use direct
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ABSTRACT A planetary system can undergo multiple episodes of intense dynamical activities throughout its life, resulting in the production of star-grazing planetesimals (or exocomets) and pollution of the host star. Such activity is especially pronounced when giant planets interact with other small bodies during the system’s evolution. However, due to the chaotic nature of the dynamics, it is difficult to determine the properties of the perturbing planet(s) from the observed planetesimal-disruption activities. In this study, we examine the outcomes of planetesimal-planet scatterings in a general setting. We focus on one-planet systems, and determine the likelihood and time-scale of planetesimal disruption by the host star as a function of the planet properties. We obtain a new analytical expression for the minimum distance a scattering body can reach, extending previous results by considering finite planet eccentricity and non-zero planetesimal mass. Through N-body simulations, we derive the distribution of minimum distances and the likelihood and time-scales of three possible outcomes of planetesimal-planet scatterings: collision with the planet, ejection, and disruption by the star. For planetesimals with negligible mass, we identify four defining dimensionless parameters (the planet eccentricity, planet-to-star mass ratio, planet radius to semimajor axis ratio, and the stellar disruption radius to planet semimajor axis ratio) that enable us to scale the problem and generalize our findings to a wide range of orbital configurations. Using these results, we explore three applications: falling evaporating bodies in the β Pictoris system, white dwarf pollution due to planetesimal disruption and planet engulfment by main-sequence stars.
null (Ed.)During the formation of terrestrial planets, volatile loss may occur through nebular processing, planetesimal differentiation, and planetary accretion. We investigate iron meteorites as an archive of volatile loss during planetesimal processing. The carbon contents of the parent bodies of magmatic iron meteorites are reconstructed by thermodynamic modeling. Calculated solid/molten alloy partitioning of C increases greatly with liquid S concentration, and inferred parent body C concentrations range from 0.0004 to 0.11 wt%. Parent bodies fall into two compositional clusters characterized by cores with medium and low C/S. Both of these require significant planetesimal degassing, as metamorphic devolatilization on chondrite-like precursors is insufficient to account for their C depletions. Planetesimal core formation models, ranging from closed-system extraction to degassing of a wholly molten body, show that significant open-system silicate melting and volatile loss are required to match medium and low C/S parent body core compositions. Greater depletion in C relative to S is the hallmark of silicate degassing, indicating that parent body core compositions record processes that affect composite silicate/iron planetesimals. Degassing of bare cores stripped of their silicate mantles would deplete S with negligible C loss and could not account for inferred parent body core compositions. Devolatilization during small-body differentiation is thus a key process in shaping the volatile inventory of terrestrial planets derived from planetesimals and planetary embryos.more » « less
null (Ed.)ABSTRACT A recent study suggests that the streaming instability, one of the leading mechanisms for driving the formation of planetesimals, may not be as efficient as previously thought. Under some disc conditions, the growth time-scale of the instability can be longer than the disc lifetime when multiple dust species are considered. To further explore this finding, we use both linear analysis and direct numerical simulations with gas fluid and dust particles to mutually validate and study the unstable modes of the instability in more detail. We extend the previously studied parameter space by one order of magnitude in both the range of the dust-size distribution [Ts, min, Ts, max] and the total solid-to-gas mass ratio ε and introduce a third dimension with the slope q of the size distribution. We find that the fast-growth regime and the slow-growth regime are distinctly separated in the ε–Ts, max space, while this boundary is not appreciably sensitive to q or Ts, min. With a wide range of dust sizes present in the disc (e.g. Ts, min ≲ 10−3), the growth rate in the slow-growth regime decreases as more dust species are considered. With a narrow range of dust sizes (e.g. Ts, max/Ts, min = 5), on the other hand, the growth rate in most of the ε–Ts, max space is converged with increasing dust species, but the fast and the slow growth regimes remain clearly separated. Moreover, it is not necessary that the largest dust species dominate the growth of the unstable modes, and the smaller dust species can affect the growth rate in a complicated way. In any case, we find that the fast-growth regime is bounded by ε ≳ 1 or Ts, max ≳ 1, which may represent the favourable conditions for planetesimal formation.more » « less