- 10293937
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)Object rearrangement is a widely-applicable and challenging task for robots. Geometric constraints must be carefully examined to avoid collisions and combinatorial issues arise as the number of objects increases. This work studies the algorithmic structure of rearranging uniform objects, where robot-object collisions do not occur but object-object collisions have to be avoided. The objective is minimizing the number of object transfers under the assumption that the robot can manipulate one object at a time. An efficiently computable decomposition of the configuration space is used to create a “region graph”, which classifies all continuous paths of equivalent collision possibilities. Based on this compact but rich representation, a complete dynamic programming primitive DFS DP performs a recursive depth first search to solve monotone problems quickly, i.e., those instances that do not require objects to be moved first to an intermediate buffer. DFS DP is extended to solve single-buffer, non-monotone instances, given a choice of an object and a buffer. This work utilizes these primitives as local planners in an informed search framework for more general, non-monotone instances. The search utilizes partial solutions from the primitives to identify the most promising choice of objects and buffers. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed solution returns near-optimal paths with higher success rate, even for challenging non-monotone instances, than other leading alternatives.more » « less
null (Ed.)Rearranging objects on a planar surface arises in a variety of robotic applications, such as product packaging. Using two arms can improve efficiency but introduces new computa- tional challenges. This paper studies the problem structure of object rearrangement using two arms in synchronous, monotone tabletop setups and develops an optimal mixed integer model. It then describes an efficient and scalable algorithm, which first minimizes the cost of object transfers and then of moves between objects. This is motivated by the fact that, asymptotically, object transfers dominate the cost of solutions. Moreover, a lazy strategy minimizes the number of motion planning calls and results in significant speedups. Theoretical arguments support the benefits of using two arms and indicate that synchronous execution, in which the two arms perform together either transfers or moves, introduces only a small overhead. Experiments support these claims and show that the scalable method can quickly compute solutions close to the optimal for the considered setup.more » « less
For rearranging objects on tabletops with overhand grasps, temporarily relocating objects to some buffer space may be necessary. This raises the natural question of how many simultaneous storage spaces, or “running buffers,” are required so that certain classes of tabletop rearrangement problems are feasible. In this work, we examine the problem for both labeled and unlabeled settings. On the structural side, we observe that finding the minimum number of running buffers (MRB) can be carried out on a dependency graph abstracted from a problem instance and show that computing MRB is NP-hard. We then prove that under both labeled and unlabeled settings, even for uniform cylindrical objects, the number of required running buffers may grow unbounded as the number of objects to be rearranged increases. We further show that the bound for the unlabeled case is tight. On the algorithmic side, we develop effective exact algorithms for finding MRB for both labeled and unlabeled tabletop rearrangement problems, scalable to over a hundred objects under very high object density. More importantly, our algorithms also compute a sequence witnessing the computed MRB that can be used for solving object rearrangement tasks. Employing these algorithms, empirical evaluations reveal that random labeled and unlabeled instances, which more closely mimic real-world setups generally have fairly small MRBs. Using real robot experiments, we demonstrate that the running buffer abstraction leads to state-of-the-art solutions for the in-place rearrangement of many objects in a tight, bounded workspace.
It is imperative that robots can understand natural language commands issued by humans. Such commands typically contain verbs that signify what action should be performed on a given object and that are applicable to many objects. We propose a method for generalizing manipulation skills to novel objects using verbs. Our method learns a probabilistic classifier that determines whether a given object trajectory can be described by a specific verb. We show that this classifier accurately generalizes to novel object categories with an average accuracy of 76.69% across 13 object categories and 14 verbs. We then perform policy search over the object kinematics to find an object trajectory that maximizes classifier prediction for a given verb. Our method allows a robot to generate a trajectory for a novel object based on a verb, which can then be used as input to a motion planner. We show that our model can generate trajectories that are usable for executing five verb commands applied to novel instances of two different object categories on a real robot.more » « less
A probability distribution over the Boolean cube is monotone if flipping the value of a coordinate from zero to one can only increase the probability of an element. Given samples of an unknown monotone distribution over the Boolean cube, we give (to our knowledge) the first algorithm that learns an approximation of the distribution in statistical distance using a number of samples that is sublinear in the domain. To do this, we develop a structural lemma describing monotone probability distributions. The structural lemma has further implications to the sample complexity of basic testing tasks for analyzing monotone probability distributions over the Boolean cube: We use it to give nontrivial upper bounds on the tasks of estimating the distance of a monotone distribution to uniform and of estimating the support size of a monotone distribution. In the setting of monotone probability distributions over the Boolean cube, our algorithms are the first to have sample complexity lower than known lower bounds for the same testing tasks on arbitrary (not necessarily monotone) probability distributions. One further consequence of our learning algorithm is an improved sample complexity for the task of testing whether a distribution on the Boolean cube is monotone.more » « less