The femora of diapsids have undergone morphological changes related to shifts in postural and locomotor modes, such as the transition from plesiomorphic amniote and diapsid taxa to the apomorphic conditions related to a more erect posture within Archosauriformes. One remarkable clade of Triassic diapsids is the chameleon‐like Drepanosauromorpha. This group is known from numerous articulated but heavily compressed skeletons that have the potential to further inform early reptile femoral evolution. For the first time, we describe the three‐dimensional osteology of the femora of Drepanosauromorpha, based on undistorted fossils from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation and Dockum Group of North America. We identify apomorphies and a combination of character states that link these femora to those in crushed specimens of drepanosauromorphs and compare our sample with a range of amniote taxa. Several characteristics of drepanosauromorph femora, including a hemispherical proximal articular surface, prominent asymmetry in the proximodistal length of the tibial condyles, and a deep intercondylar sulcus, are plesiomorphies shared with early diapsids. The femora contrast with those of most diapsids in lacking a crest‐like, distally tapering internal trochanter. They bear a ventrolaterally positioned tuberosity on the femoral shaft, resembling the fourth trochanter in Archosauriformes. The reduction of an internal trochanter parallels independent reductions in therapsids and archosauriforms. The presence of a ventrolaterally positioned trochanter is also similar to that of chameleonid squamates. Collectively, these features demonstrate a unique femoral morphology for drepanosauromorphs, and suggest an increased capacity for femoral adduction and protraction relative to most other Permo‐Triassic diapsids.
- Award ID(s):
- 2038305
- 10303342
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Polymer Science
- Volume:
- 59
- Issue:
- 21
- 2642-4150
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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