A test of lepton flavor universality in
This article reviews recent progress in quasi-phasematched
- Award ID(s):
- 1918549
- 10307425
- Publisher / Repository:
- IOP Publishing
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Physics: Photonics
- Volume:
- 3
- Issue:
- 4
- 2515-7647
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- Article No. 042005
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Spin-flip (SF) methods applied to excited-state approaches like the Bethe–Salpeter equation allow access to the excitation energies of open-shell systems, such as molecules and defects in solids. The eigenstates of these solutions, however, are generally not eigenstates of the spin operator
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Abstract We introduce a distributional Jacobian determinant
in dimension two for the nonlinear complex gradient\det DV_{\beta}(Dv) for anyV_{\beta}(Dv)=\lvert Dv\rvert^{\beta}(v_{x_{1}},-v_{x_{2}}) , whenever\beta>-1 andv\in W^{1\smash{,}2}_{\mathrm{loc}} .This is new when\beta\lvert Dv\rvert^{1+\beta}\in W^{1\smash{,}2}_{\mathrm{loc}} .Given any planar ∞-harmonic function 𝑢, we show that such distributional Jacobian determinant\beta\neq 0 is a nonnegative Radon measure with some quantitative local lower and upper bounds.We also give the following two applications.\det DV_{\beta}(Du) Applying this result with
, we develop an approach to build up a Liouville theorem, which improves that of Savin.Precisely, if 𝑢 is an ∞-harmonic function in the whole\beta=0 with\mathbb{R}^{2} then\liminf_{R\to\infty}\inf_{c\in\mathbb{R}}\frac{1}{R}\barint_{B(0,R)}\lvert u(x)-c\rvert\,dx<\infty, for someu=b+a\cdot x andb\in\mathbb{R} .a\in\mathbb{R}^{2} Denoting by
the 𝑝-harmonic function having the same nonconstant boundary condition as 𝑢, we show thatu_{p} as\det DV_{\beta}(Du_{p})\to\det DV_{\beta}(Du) in the weak-⋆ sense in the space of Radon measure.Recall thatp\to\infty is always quasiregular mappings, butV_{\beta}(Du_{p}) is not in general.V_{\beta}(Du)