Average strain across the Great Basin over the past 15 Kyr derived from slip rates on individual faults shows a concentration of both right‐lateral shear and extension in the western Great Basin (Walker Lane). Straining is modest across the central Great Basin, with a zone of higher strain in the eastern Great Basin including the Wasatch Front. The horizontal velocity field derived from 15‐ka fault slip rates is similar to the pattern of GPS velocities, suggesting that regional strain release patterns have been constant over the past 15 Kyr. The magnitudes of velocities inferred from fault slip rates, relative to North America, are lower than those from GPS in the Walker Lane, suggesting that the geologic record is missing evidence of strike slip on faults, and seismic hazard may be higher than suggested by fault slip rates alone. The observed strain concentration in the western Great Basin is consistent with a Sierra Nevada block that is more rigid than the surrounding lithosphere of nonlinear rheology, which concentrates strain east of and adjacent to the rigid block. Treating the western U.S. as a thin viscous sheet with the Sierra Nevada block as a rigid boundary provides a consistent history of continuous deformation in the Walker Lane over decadal, millennial, and Neogene timescales.
- Award ID(s):
- 1830139
- 10309879
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Geosphere
- Volume:
- 17
- Issue:
- 6
- 1553-040X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Abstract Models of active deformation of the Earth's crust are predominantly represented with dislocations having a downdip continuation into the lower crust, where the fault slips continuously. This model predicts surface strain accumulation concentrated near the fault during the interseismic period. In an alternative model, faults do not extend beneath the elastic portion of the crust and are accompanied by a wide zone of distributed shear underneath, predicting a more constant strain rate lacking concentrations at the faults. We use high‐precision GPS data collected across the northern and central Walker Lane, USA— a region of complex faulting near the western edge of the Basin and Range Province to evaluate which model is appropriate. Despite the existence of dense continuous and semi‐continuous geodetic networks that have been surveyed for ∼20 years, the horizontal velocities reveal no evidence of localized strain accumulation across the fault surface expressions. Instead, deformation within the Walker Lane is uniformly linear, suggesting that the surface deformation reflects distributed shear within the ductile crust rather than focused deformation at faults. This suggests no downdip extension of the faults below the seismogenic layer. The shear zone is 172 ± 6 km wide in the northernmost Walker Lane narrowing to 116 ± 4 km in the central Walker Lane. The total velocity budget across the shear zone is 7.2 ± 0.1 mm/yr in the north, increasing to 10.1 ± 0.1 mm/yr in the central Walker Lane. We conclude that assuming the presence of lower crustal dislocations when estimating geodetic faults slip rates may be inappropriate.
ABSTRACT The largest earthquake since 1954 to strike the state of Nevada, United States, ruptured on 15 May 2020 along the Monte Cristo range of west-central Nevada. The Mw 6.5 event involved predominantly left-lateral strike-slip faulting with minor normal components on three aligned east–west-trending faults that vary in strike by 23°. The kinematic rupture process is determined by joint inversion of Global Navigation Satellite Systems displacements, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data, regional strong motions, and teleseismic P and SH waves, with the three-fault geometry being constrained by InSAR surface deformation observations, surface ruptures, and relocated aftershock distributions. The average rupture velocity is 1.5 km/s, with a peak slip of ∼1.6 m and a ∼20 s rupture duration. The seismic moment is 6.9×1018 N·m. Complex surface deformation is observed near the fault junction, with a deep near-vertical fault and a southeast-dipping fault at shallow depth on the western segment, along which normal-faulting aftershocks are observed. There is a shallow slip deficit in the Nevada ruptures, probably due to the immature fault system. The causative faults had not been previously identified and are located near the transition from the Walker Lane belt to the Basin and Range province. The east–west geometry of the system is consistent with the eastward extension of the Mina Deflection of the Walker Lane north of the White Mountains.more » « less
null (Ed.)Abstract Several tectonic processes combine to produce the crustal deformation observed across the Cascadia margin: (1) Cascadia subduction, (2) the northward propagation of the Mendocino Triple Junction (MTJ), (3) the translation of the Sierra Nevada–Great Valley (SNGV) block along the Eastern California Shear Zone–Walker Lane and, (3) extension in the northwestern Basin and Range, east of the Cascade Arc. The superposition of deformation associated with these processes produces the present-day GPS velocity field. North of ~ 45° N observed crustal displacements are consistent with inter-seismic subduction coupling. South of ~ 45° N, NNW-directed crustal shortening produced by the Mendocino crustal conveyor (MCC) and deformation associated with SNGV-block motion overprint the NE-directed Cascadia subduction coupling signal. Embedded in this overall pattern of crustal deformation is the rigid translation of the Klamath terrane, bounded on its north and west by localized zones of deformation. Since the MCC and SNGV processes migrate northward, their impact on the crustal deformation in southern Cascadia is a relatively recent phenomenon, since ~ 2 –3 Ma.more » « less
The uplift history of the Sierra Nevada, California, is a topic of long-standing disagreement with much of it centered on the timing and nature of slip along the range-bounding normal fault along the east flank of the southern Sierra Nevada. The history of normal fault slip is important for characterizing the uplift history of the Sierra Nevada, as well as for characterizing the geologic and geodynamic factors that drove, and continue to drive, normal faulting. To address these issues, we completed new structural studies and extensive apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) thermochronometry on samples collected from three vertical transects in the footwall to the east-dipping southern Sierra Nevada normal fault (SNNF). Our structural studies on bedrock fault planes show that the SNNF is a steeply (~70°) east-dipping normal fault. The new AHe data reveal two elevation-invariant AHe age arrays, indicative of two distinct periods of cooling and exhumation, which we interpret as initiation of normal faulting along the SNNF at ca. 28–27 Ma with a second phase of normal faulting at ca. 17–13 Ma. We argue that beginning in the late Oligocene, the SNNF marked the now long-standing stable western limit, or break-away zone, of the Basin and Range. Slip along SNNF, and the associated unloading of the footwall, likely resulted in two periods of uplift of Sierra Nevada during the late Cenozoic. Trench retreat, driven by westward motion of the North American plate, along the Farallon–North American subduction zone boundary, as well as the gravitationally unstable northern and southern Basin and Range pushing on the cold Sierra Nevada, likely drove the late Oligocene- aged normal slip along the SNNF and the similar-aged but generally local and minor extension within the Basin and Range. We posit that the thick proto–Basin and Range lithosphere was primed for late Oligocene extension by replacement of the steepening Farallon slab with hot and buoyant asthenosphere. While steepening of the Farallon slab had not yet reached the southern Sierra Nevada by late Oligocene time, we speculate that late Oligocene slip along the SNNF reactivated a late Cretaceous dextral shear zone as the Sierra Nevada block was pulled and pushed westward in response to trench retreat and gravitational potential energy. The dominant middle Miocene normal fault-slip history along the SNNF is contemporaneous with high-magnitude slip recorded along range-bounding normal faults across the Basin and Range, including the east-adjacent Inyo and White mountains, indicating that this period of extension was a major regional tectonic event. We infer that a combination of slab-driven trench retreat along the Juan de Fuca–North America subduction zone boundary and clockwise rotation of the southern ancestral Cascade Range superimposed on continental lithosphere pre-conditioned for extension drove this episode of middle Miocene normal slip along the SNNF and extension to the east across the Basin and Range. Transtensional plate motion along the Pacific–North America plate boundary, and likely a growing slab window, continued to drive extension along the SNNF and the western Basin and Range, but not until ca. 11 Ma when the Mendocino triple junction reached the latitude of our northernmost (U-Th)/He transect.more » « less