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Title: Bubble bag end: a bubbly resolution of curvature singularity
A bstract We construct a family of smooth charged bubbling solitons in $$ \mathbbm{M} $$ M 4 ×T 2 , four-dimensional Minkowski with a two-torus. The solitons are characterized by a degeneration pattern of the torus along a line in $$ \mathbbm{M} $$ M 4 defining a chain of topological cycles. They live in the same parameter regime as non-BPS non-extremal four-dimensional black holes, and are ultracompact with sizes ranging from miscroscopic to macroscopic scales. The six-dimensional framework can be embedded in type IIB supergravity where the solitons are identified with geometric transitions of non-BPS D1-D5-KKm bound states. Interestingly, the geometries admit a minimal surface that smoothly opens up to a bubbly end of space. Away from the solitons, the solutions are indistinguishable from a new class of singular geometries. By taking a limit of large number of bubbles, the soliton geometries can be matched arbitrarily close to the singular spacetimes. This provides the first classical resolution of a curvature singularity beyond the framework of supersymmetry and supergravity by blowing up topological cycles wrapped by fluxes at the vicinity of the singularity.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
1820784 2112699
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of High Energy Physics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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