- Award ID(s):
- 2003117
- 10322743
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Nature Communications
- Volume:
- 12
- Issue:
- 1
- 2041-1723
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)Abstract The spin- $$\frac{1}{2}$$ 1 2 kagome antiferromagnet is considered an ideal host for a quantum spin liquid (QSL) ground state. We find that when the bonds of the kagome lattice are modulated with a periodic pattern, new quantum ground states emerge. Newly synthesized crystalline barlowite (Cu 4 (OH) 6 FBr) and Zn-substituted barlowite demonstrate the delicate interplay between singlet states and spin order on the spin- $$\frac{1}{2}$$ 1 2 kagome lattice. Comprehensive structural measurements demonstrate that our new variant of barlowite maintains hexagonal symmetry at low temperatures with an arrangement of distorted and undistorted kagome triangles, for which numerical simulations predict a pinwheel valence bond crystal (VBC) state instead of a QSL. The presence of interlayer spins eventually leads to an interesting pinwheel q = 0 magnetic order. Partially Zn-substituted barlowite (Cu 3.44 Zn 0.56 (OH) 6 FBr) has an ideal kagome lattice and shows QSL behavior, indicating a surprising robustness of the QSL against interlayer impurities. The magnetic susceptibility is similar to that of herbertsmithite, even though the Cu 2+ impurities are above the percolation threshold for the interlayer lattice and they couple more strongly to the nearest kagome moment. This system is a unique playground displaying QSL, VBC, and spin order, furthering our understanding of these highly competitive quantum states.more » « less
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Abstract Recently, Yb-based triangular-lattice antiferromagnets have garnered significant interest as possible quantum spin-liquid candidates. One example is YbMgGaO4, which showed many promising spin-liquid features, but also possesses a high degree of disorder owing to site-mixing between the non-magnetic cations. To further elucidate the role of chemical disorder and to explore the phase diagram of these materials in applied field, we present neutron scattering and sensitive magnetometry measurements of the closely related compound, YbZnGaO4. Our results suggest a difference in magnetic anisotropy between the two compounds, and we use key observations of the magnetic phase crossover to motivate an exploration of the field- and exchange parameter-dependent phase diagram, providing an expanded view of the available magnetic states in applied field. This enriched map of the phase space serves as a basis to restrict the values of parameters describing the magnetic Hamiltonian with broad application to recently discovered related materials.
Abstract Quantum fluctuations can inhibit long-range ordering in frustrated magnets and potentially lead to quantum spin liquid (QSL) phases. A prime example are gapless QSLs with emergent U(1) gauge fields, which have been understood to be described in terms of quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimension (QED3). Despite several promising candidate materials, however, a complicating factor for their realisation is the presence of other degrees of freedom. In particular lattice distortions can act to relieve magnetic frustration, precipitating conventionally ordered states. In this work, we use field-theoretic arguments as well as extensive numerical simulations to show that the U(1) Dirac QSL on the triangular and kagome lattices exhibits a weak-coupling instability due to the coupling of monopoles of the emergent gauge field to lattice distortions, leading to valence-bond solid ordering. This generalises the spin-Peierls instability of one-dimensional quantum critical spin chains to two-dimensional algebraic QSLs. We study static distortions as well as quantum-mechanical phonons. Even in regimes where the QSL is stable, the singular spin-lattice coupling leads to marked temperature-dependent corrections to the phonon spectrum, which provide salient experimental signatures of spin fractionalisation. We discuss the coupling of QSLs to the lattice as a general tool for their discovery and characterisation.
Abstract The evolution of quantum spin liquid states (QSL) of the anisotropic antiferromagnetic (AFM) Kitaev model with the [001] magnetic field by utilizing the finite‐temperature Lanczos method (FTLM) is investigated. In this anisotropic Kitaev model with and (K is the energy unit), due to the competition between anisotropy and magnetic field, the system emerges four exotic quantum phase transitions (QPTs) when and , while only two QPTs when . At these magnetic‐field tuning quantum phase transition points, the low‐energy excitation spectrums appear level crossover, and the specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and Wilson ratio display anomalies; accordingly, the topological Chern number may also change. These results demonstrate that the anisotropic interacting Kitaev model with modulating magnetic field displays more rich phase diagrams, in comparison with the isotropic Kitaev model.