- Award ID(s):
- 1910107
- 10330909
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 924
- Issue:
- 2
- 0004-637X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 76
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract The high-frequency radio sky has historically remained largely unexplored due to the typical faintness of sources in this regime, and the modest survey speed compared to observations at lower frequencies. However, high-frequency radio surveys offer an invaluable tracer of high-redshift star formation, as they directly target the faint radio free–free emission. We present deep continuum observations at 34 GHz in the COSMOS and GOODS-North fields from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), as part of the COLD z survey. The deep COSMOS mosaic spans down to σ = 1.3 μ Jy beam −1 , while the wider GOODS-N observations cover to σ = 5.3 μ Jy beam −1 . We detect a total of 18 galaxies at 34 GHz, of which nine show radio emission consistent with being powered by star formation; although for two sources, this is likely due to thermal emission from dust. Utilizing deep ancillary radio data at 1.4, 3, 5, and 10 GHz, we decompose the spectra of the remaining seven star-forming galaxies into their synchrotron and thermal free–free components, and find typical thermal fractions and synchrotron spectral indices comparable to those observed in local star-forming galaxies. We further determine free–free star formation rates (SFRs), and show that these are in agreement with SFRs from spectral energy distribution-fitting and the far-infrared/radio correlation. Our observations place strong constraints on the high-frequency radio emission in typical galaxies at high redshift, and provide some of the first insights into what is set to become a key area of study with future radio facilities, such as the Square Kilometer Array Phase 1 and next-generation VLA.more » « less
ABSTRACT Comprehending the radio–infrared (IR) relations of the faint extragalactic radio sources is important for using radio emission as a tracer of star formation in high redshift (z) star-forming galaxies (SFGs). Using deep uGMRT observations of the ELAIS-N1 field in the 0.3–0.5 GHz range, we study the statistical properties of the radio–IR relations and the variation of the ‘q-parameter’ up to z = 2 after broadly classifying the faint sources as SFGs and AGN. We find the dust temperature (Tdust) to increase with z. This gives rise to $q_{\rm 24\,\mu m}$, measured at $24\, \mu$m, to increase with z as the peak of IR emission shifts towards shorter wavelengths, resulting in the largest scatter among different measures of q-parameters. $q_{\rm 70\,\mu m}$ measured at $70\, \mu$m, and qTIR using total-IR (TIR) emission are largely unaffected by Tdust. We observe strong, non-linear correlations between the radio luminosities at 0.4 and 1.4 GHz with $70\, \mu$m luminosity and TIR luminosity(LTIR). To assess the possible role of the radio-continuum spectrum in making the relations non-linear, for the first time we study them at high z using integrated radio luminosity (LRC) in the range 0.1–2 GHz. In SFGs, the LRC–LTIR relation remains non-linear with a slope of 1.07 ± 0.02, has a factor of 2 lower scatter compared to monochromatic radio luminosities, and $q^{\rm RC}_{\rm TIR}$ decreases with z as $q^{\rm RC}_{\rm TIR}= (2.27 \pm 0.03)\, (1+z)^{-0.12 \pm 0.03}$. A redshift variation of q is a natural consequence of non-linearity. We suggest that a redshift evolution of magnetic field strengths and/or cosmic ray acceleration efficiency in high-z SFGs could give rise to non-linear radio–IR relations.
ABSTRACT We report the identification of radio (0.144–3 GHz) and mid-, far-infrared, and sub-mm (24–850μm) emission at the position of one of 41 UV-bright ($\mathrm{M_{\mathrm{UV}}}^{ }\lesssim -21.25$) z ≃ 6.6–6.9 Lyman-break galaxy candidates in the 1.5 deg2 COSMOS field. This source, COS-87259, exhibits a sharp flux discontinuity (factor >3) between two narrow/intermediate bands at 9450 and 9700 Å and is undetected in all nine bands blueward of 9600 Å, as expected from a Lyman alpha break at z ≃ 6.8. The full multiwavelength (X-ray through radio) data of COS-87529 can be self-consistently explained by a very massive (M* = 1010.8 M⊙) and extremely red (rest-UV slope β = −0.59) z ≃ 6.8 galaxy with hyperluminous infrared emission (LIR = 1013.6 L⊙) powered by both an intense burst of highly obscured star formation (SFR ≈ 1800 M⊙ yr−1) and an obscured ($\tau _{_{\mathrm{9.7\mu m}}} = 7.7\pm 2.5$) radio-loud (L1.4 GHz ≈ 1025.4 W Hz−1) active galactic nucleus (AGN). The radio emission is compact (1.04 ± 0.12 arcsec) and exhibits an ultra-steep spectrum between 1.32 and 3 GHz ($\alpha =-1.57^{+0.22}_{-0.21}$) that flattens at lower frequencies ($\alpha = -0.86^{+0.22}_{-0.16}$ between 0.144 and 1.32 GHz), consistent with known z > 4 radio galaxies. We also demonstrate that COS-87259 may reside in a significant (11×) galaxy overdensity, as common for systems hosting radio-loud AGN. While we find that low-redshift solutions to the optical + near-infrared data are not preferred, a spectroscopic redshift will ultimately be required to establish the true nature of COS-87259 beyond any doubt. If confirmed to lie at z ≃ 6.8, the properties of COS-87259 would be consistent with a picture wherein AGN and highly obscured star formation activity are fairly common among very massive (M* > 1010 M⊙) reionization-era galaxies.
Abstract Using spatially resolved H
α emission line maps of star-forming galaxies, we study the spatial distribution of star formation over a wide range in redshift (0.5 ≲z ≲ 1.7). Ourz ∼ 0.5 measurements come from deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 G102 grism spectroscopy obtained as part of the CANDELS Lyα Emission at Reionization Experiment. For star-forming galaxies with log(M */M ⊙) ≥ 8.96, the mean Hα effective radius is 1.2 ± 0.1 times larger than that of the stellar continuum, implying inside-out growth via star formation. This measurement agrees within 1σ with those measured atz ∼ 1 andz ∼ 1.7 from the 3D-HST and KMOS3Dsurveys, respectively, implying no redshift evolution. However, we observe redshift evolution in the stellar mass surface density within 1 kpc (Σ1kpc). Star-forming galaxies atz ∼ 0.5 with a stellar mass of log(M */M ⊙) = 9.5 have a ratio of Σ1kpcin Hα relative to their stellar continuum that is lower by (19 ± 2)% compared toz ∼ 1 galaxies. Σ1kpc,Hα /Σ1kpc,Contdecreases toward higher stellar masses. The majority of the redshift evolution in Σ1kpc,Hα /Σ1kpc,Contversus stellar mass stems from the fact that log(Σ1kpc,Hα ) declines twice as much as log(Σ1kpc,Cont) fromz ∼ 1 to 0.5 (at a fixed stellar mass of log(M */M ⊙) = 9.5). By comparing our results to the TNG50 cosmological magneto-hydrodynamical simulation, we rule out dust as the driver of this evolution. Our results are consistent with inside-out quenching following in the wake of inside-out growth, the former of which drives the significant drop in Σ1kpc,Hα fromz ∼ 1 toz ∼ 0.5. -
Abstract Nuclear rings are excellent laboratories for studying intense star formation. We present results from a study of nuclear star-forming rings in five nearby normal galaxies from the Star Formation in Radio Survey (SFRS) and four local LIRGs from the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey at sub-kiloparsec resolutions using Very Large Array high-frequency radio continuum observations. We find that nuclear ring star formation (NRSF) contributes 49%–60% of the total star formation of the LIRGs, compared to 7%–40% for the normal galaxies. We characterize a total of 57 individual star-forming regions in these rings, and find that with measured sizes of 10–200 pc, NRSF regions in the LIRGs have star formation rate (SFR) and Σ SFR up to 1.7 M ⊙ yr −1 and 402 M ⊙ yr −1 kpc −2 , respectively, which are about 10 times higher than in NRSF regions in the normal galaxies with similar sizes, and comparable to lensed high- z star-forming regions. At ∼100–300 pc scales, we estimate low contributions (<50%) of thermal free–free emission to total radio continuum emission at 33 GHz in the NRSF regions in the LIRGs, but large variations possibly exist at smaller physical scales. Finally, using archival sub-kiloparsec resolution CO ( J = 1–0) data of nuclear rings in the normal galaxies and NGC 7469 (LIRG), we find a large scatter in gas depletion times at similar molecular gas surface densities, which tentatively points to a multimodal star formation relation on sub-kiloparsec scales.more » « less