Deterministic positioning single site-controlled high symmetric InGaAs quantum dots (QDs) in (111)B-oriented GaAs photonic crystal cavities with nanometer-scale accuracy provides an idea component for building integrated quantum photonic circuits. However, it has been a long-standing challenge of improving cavity
Establishing a coherent interaction between a material resonance and an optical cavity is a necessary first step to study semiconductor quantum optics. Here we report on the signature of a coherent interaction between a two-dimensional excitonic transition in monolayer MoSe2and a zero-dimensional, ultra-low mode volume (
- Award ID(s):
- 1845009
- 10369408
- Publisher / Repository:
- Optical Society of America
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Optical Materials Express
- Volume:
- 12
- Issue:
- 1
- 2159-3930
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 59
- Size(s):
- Article No. 59
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Q -factors in such systems. Here, by optimizing the trade-off between the cavity loss and QD spectral quality, we demonstrate our site-controlled QD-nanocavity system operating in the intermediate coupling regime mediated by phonon scattering, with the dynamic coexistence of strong and weak coupling. The cavity-exciton detuning-dependent micro-photoluminescence spectrum reveals concurrence of a trend of exciton-polariton mode avoided crossing, as a signature of Rabi doublet of the strongly coupled system. Meanwhile, a trend of keeping constant or slight blue shift of coupled exciton–cavity mode(CM) energy across zero-detuning is ascribed to the formation of collective states mediated by phonon-assisted coupling, and their rare partial out-of-synchronization linewidth-narrowing is linked to their coexisting strong-weak coupling regime. We further reveal the pump power-dependent anti-bunching photon statistical dynamics of this coexisting strong-weak coupled system and the optical features of strongly confined exciton-polaritons, and dark-exciton-like states. These observations demonstrate the potential capabilities of site-controlled QD-cavity systems as deterministic quantum nodes for on-chip quantum information processing and provide guidelines for future device optimization for achieving the strong coupling regime. -
Abstract Quantum state control of two‐level emitters is fundamental for many information processing, metrology, and sensing applications. However, quantum‐coherent photonic control of solid‐state emitters has traditionally been limited to cryogenic environments, which are not compatible with implementation in scalable, broadly distributed technologies. In contrast, plasmonic nano‐cavities with deep sub‐wavelength mode volumes have recently emerged as a path toward room temperature quantum control. However, optimization, control, and modeling of the cavity mode volume are still in their infancy. Here recent demonstrations of plasmonic tip‐enhanced strong coupling (TESC) with a configurable nano‐tip cavity are extended to perform a systematic experimental investigation of the cavity‐emitter interaction strength and its dependence on tip position, augmented by modeling based on both classical electrodynamics and a quasinormal mode framework. Based on this work, a perspective for nano‐cavity optics is provided as a promising tool for room temperature control of quantum coherent interactions that could spark new innovations in fields from quantum information and quantum sensing to quantum chemistry and molecular opto‐mechanics.
Abstract Room temperature stable excitons in layered two‐dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) offer a unique route for engineering light and matter interactions. Due to the strong optical dispersion near the excitonic transitions, a high refractive index arises in these ultrathin semiconductors.[1,2]Utilizing this behavior, strongly confined Fano type optical resonances in an ultrathin (i.e., ≈12 nm) tungsten disulfide (WS2) photonic crystal (PhC) directly fabricated on a TMD‐on‐glass platform are reported. In this approach, Fano‐type WS2photonic resonances strongly couple to the WS2excitonic dispersion engender self‐resonant exciton‐polaritons with an out‐of‐plane optical confinement exceeding that provided by surface plasmon polaritons in the visible. The large spatial light‐matter overlap endowed by this unique monolithic self‐coupling scheme is utilized for steering of enhanced 2D WSe2excitonic photoluminescence in a truly TMD integrated system. It is envisioned that the strong light matter interaction on the TMD‐on‐glass platform will unfold the prospects of ultrathin exciton‐polaritonic resonators.
Abstract Tuning the properties of a pair of entangled electron and hole in a light-induced exciton is a fundamentally intriguing inquiry for quantum science. Here, using semiconducting hybrid perovskite as an exploratory platform, we discover that Nd2+-doped CH3NH3PbI3(MAPbI3) perovskite exhibits a Kondo-like exciton-spin interaction under cryogenic and photoexcitation conditions. The feedback to such interaction between excitons in perovskite and the localized spins in Nd2+is observed as notably prolonged carrier lifetimes measured by time-resolved photoluminescence, ~10 times to that of pristine MAPbI3without Nd2+dopant. From a mechanistic standpoint, such extended charge separation states are the consequence of the trap state enabled by the antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between the light-induced exciton and the localized 4
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Abstract Quantum interactions between transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and optical cavities are rapidly becoming an appealing research topic since these interactions underly a broad spectrum of optical phenomena. Here, we fabricate a simple device in which coherent strong coupling interactions occur between a photonic crystal (PhC) slab and monolayer tungsten disulfide (WS2). Both steady‐state angle‐resolved spectroscopy and transient absorption microscopy (TAM) are employed to explore the coupling behavior of this device. Specifically, anticrossing dispersions are observed in the hybrid device, indicating a Rabi splitting of 40.2 meV. A newly formed spectral feature emerges in the transient absorption (TA) spectrum of this polariton device under near‐resonant excitation, which is subsequently evidenced to be a signature of the upper hybrid exciton–polariton state. Moreover, by carefully analyzing the ultrafast responses of both bare WS2and the WS2‐PhC polariton device excited both off resonance and near resonance, it is found that nonequilibrium thermal decay induces Coulombic screening in the monolayer WS2, which has a major impact on the formation of exciton–polariton. The results of this work could not only improve the current understanding of photophysics in the strong light–matter coupling regime but also lay the foundation for tailoring the development of TMD‐based coherent devices.