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Title: How long do high redshift massive black hole seeds remain outliers in black hole versus host galaxy relations?

The existence of 109 M⊙ supermassive black holes (SMBHs) within the first billion years of the Universe remains a puzzle in our conventional understanding of black hole formation and growth. Several suggested formation pathways for these SMBHs lead to a heavy seed, with an initial black hole mass of 104–106 M⊙. This can lead to an overly massive BH galaxy (OMBG), whose nuclear black hole’s mass is comparable to or even greater than the surrounding stellar mass: the black hole to stellar mass ratio is Mbh/M* ≫ 10−3, well in excess of the typical values at lower redshift. We investigate how long these newborn BHs remain outliers in the Mbh − M* relation, by exploring the subsequent evolution of two OMBGs previously identified in the Renaissance simulations. We find that both OMBGs have Mbh/M* > 1 during their entire life, from their birth at z ≈ 15 until they merge with much more massive haloes at z ≈ 8. We find that the OMBGs are spatially resolvable from their more massive, 1011 M⊙, neighbouring haloes until their mergers are complete at z ≈ 8. This affords a window for future observations with JWST and sensitive X-ray telescopes to diagnose the heavy-seed scenario, by detecting similar OMBGs and establishing their uniquely high black hole-to-stellar mass ratio.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Medium: X Size: p. 2155-2168
p. 2155-2168
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) with masses of ∼109 M⊙ within the first billion year of the universe challenge our conventional understanding of black hole formation and growth. One pathway to these SMBHs proposes that supermassive stars born in pristine atomic cooling haloes yield massive seed BHs evolving to these early SMBHs. This scenario leads to an overly massive BH galaxy (OMBG), in which the BH to stellar mass ratio is initially Mbh/M* ≥ 1, well in excess of the typical values of ∼10−3 at low redshifts. Previously, we have investigated two massive seed BH candidates from the Renaissance simulation and found that they remain outliers on the Mbh–M* relation until the OMBG merges with a much more massive halo at z = 8. In this work, we use Monte-Carlo merger trees to investigate the evolution of the Mbh–M* relation for 50 000 protogalaxies hosting massive BH seeds, across 10 000 trees that merge into a 1012 M⊙ halo at z = 6. We find that up to 60 per cent (depending on growth parameters) of these OMBGs remain strong outliers for several 100 Myr, down to redshifts detectable with JWST and with sensitive X-ray telescopes. This represents a way to diagnose the massive-seed formation pathway for early SMBHs. We expect to find ∼0.1–1 of these objects per JWST Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) field per unit redshift at z ≳ 6. Recently detected SMBHs with masses of ∼107 M⊙ and low-inferred stellar-mass hosts may be examples of this population.

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  2. The existence of 109 M⊙ supermassive black holes (SMBHs) within the first billion years of the universe remains a puzzle in our conventional understanding of black hole formation and growth. The so-called direct-collapse scenario suggests that the formation of supermassive stars (SMSs) can yield the massive seeds of early SMBHs. This scenario leads to an overly massive BH galaxy (OMBG), whose nuclear black hole’s mass is comparable to or even greater than the surrounding stellar mass: a 104 − 106 M⊙ seed black hole is born in a dark matter halo with a mass as low as 107 − 108 M⊙. The black hole to stellar mass ratio is 𝑀bh/𝑀∗ ≫ 10−3, well in excess of the typical values at lower redshift. We investigate how long these newborn BHs remain outliers in the 𝑀bh − 𝑀∗ relation, by exploring the subsequent evolution of two OMBGs previously identified in the Renaissance simulations. We find that both OMBGs have𝑀bh/𝑀∗>1 during their entire life, from their birth at 𝑧≈15 until they merge with much more massive haloes at 𝑧 ≈ 8. We find that the OMBGs are spatially resolvable from their more massive, 1011 M⊙, neighboring haloes until their mergers are complete at 𝑧 ≈ 8. This affords a window for future observations with JWST and sensitive X-ray telescopes to diagnose the direct-collapse scenario, by detecting similar OMBGs and establishing their uniquely high black hole-to-stellar mass ratio. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    Abstract Deciphering the formation of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) is a key science goal for upcoming observational facilities. In many theoretical channels proposed so far, the seed formation depends crucially on local gas conditions. We systematically characterize the impact of a range of gas-based black hole seeding prescriptions on SMBH populations using cosmological simulations. Seeds of mass Mseed ∼ 103–106 M⊙ h−1 are placed in haloes that exceed critical thresholds for star-forming, metal-poor gas mass and halo mass (defined as $\tilde{M}_{\mathrm{sf,mp}}$ and $\tilde{M}_{\mathrm{h}}$, respectively, in units of Mseed). We quantify the impact of these parameters on the properties of z ≥ 7 SMBHs. Lower seed masses produce higher black hole merger rates (by factors of ∼10 and ∼1000 at z ∼ 7 and z ∼ 15, respectively). For fixed seed mass, we find that $\tilde{M}_{\mathrm{h}}$ has the strongest impact on the black hole population at high redshift (z ≳ 15, where a factor of 10 increase in $\tilde{M}_{\mathrm{h}}$ suppresses merger rates by ≳ 100). At lower redshift (z ≲ 15), we find that $\tilde{M}_{\mathrm{sf,mp}}$ has a larger impact on the black hole population. Increasing $\tilde{M}_{\mathrm{sf,mp}}$ from 5–150 suppresses the merger rates by factors of ∼8 at z ∼ 7–15. This suggests that the seeding criteria explored here could leave distinct imprints on LISA merger rates. In contrast, AGN luminosity functions are much less sensitive to seeding criteria, varying by factors ≲ 2 − 3 within our models. Such variations will be challenging to probe even with future sensitive instruments such as Lynx or JWST. Our study provides a useful benchmark for development of seed models for large-volume cosmological simulations. 
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