Instructional reform in STEM aims for the widespread adoption of evidence based instructional practices (EBIPS), practices that implement active learning. Research recognizes that faculty social networks regarding discussion or advice about teaching may matter to such efforts. But teaching is not the only priority for university faculty – meeting research expectations is at least as important and, often, more consequential for tenure and promotion decisions. We see value in understanding how research networks, based on discussion and advice about research matters, relate to teaching networks to see if and how such networks could advance instructional reform efforts. Our research examines data from three departments (biology, chemistry, and geosciences) at three universities that had recently received funding to enhance adoption of EBIPs in STEM fields. We evaluate exponential random graph models of the teaching network and find that (a) the existence of a research tie from one faculty member
- 10392286
- Publisher / Repository:
- Springer Science + Business Media
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Innovative Higher Education
- Volume:
- 48
- Issue:
- 4
- 0742-5627
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- p. 579-600
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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k ,m )-mappability problem, for a given sequenceT of lengthn , the goal is to compute a table whosei th entry is the number of indices such that the length-$$j \ne i$$ m substrings ofT starting at positionsi andj have at mostk mismatches. Previous works on this problem focused on heuristics computing a rough approximation of the result or on the case of . We present several efficient algorithms for the general case of the problem. Our main result is an algorithm that, for$$k=1$$ , works in$$k=O(1)$$ space and, with high probability, in$$O(n)$$ time. Our algorithm requires a careful adaptation of the$$O(n \cdot \min \{m^k,\log ^k n\})$$ k -errata trees of Cole et al. [STOC 2004] to avoid multiple counting of pairs of substrings. Our technique can also be applied to solve the all-pairs Hamming distance problem introduced by Crochemore et al. [WABI 2017]. We further develop -time algorithms to compute$$O(n^2)$$ all (k ,m )-mappability tables for a fixedm and all or a fixed$$k\in \{0,\ldots ,m\}$$ k and all . Finally, we show that, for$$m\in \{k,\ldots ,n\}$$ , the ($$k,m = \Theta (\log n)$$ k ,m )-mappability problem cannot be solved in strongly subquadratic time unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. This is an improved and extended version of a paper presented at SPIRE 2018.