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Title: Neural Normalized Min-Sum Message-Passing vs. Viterbi Decoding for the CCSDS Line Product Code
The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) 141.11-O-1 Line Product Code (LPC) provides a rare opportunity to compare maximum-likelihood decoding and message passing. The LPC considered in this paper is intended to serve as the inner code in conjunction with a (255,239) Reed Solomon (RS) code whose symbols are bytes of data. This paper represents the 141.11-O-1 LPC as a bipartite graph and uses that graph to formulate both maximum likelihood (ML) and message passing algorithms. ML decoding must, of course, have the best frame error rate (FER) performance. However, a fixed point implementation of a Neural-Normalized MinSum (N-NMS) message passing decoder closely approaches ML performance with a significantly lower complexity.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications
Page Range / eLocation ID:
2375 to 2380
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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