Standing dead structures of habitat‐forming organisms (e.g., dead trees, coral skeletons, oyster shells) killed by a disturbance are material legacies that can affect ecosystem recovery processes. Many ecosystems are subject to different types of disturbance that either remove biogenic structures or leave them intact. Here we used a mathematical model to quantify how the resilience of coral reef ecosystems may be differentially affected following structure‐removing and structure‐retaining disturbance events, focusing in particular on the potential for regime shifts from coral to macroalgae. We found that dead coral skeletons could substantially diminish coral resilience if they provided macroalgae refuge from herbivory, a key feedback associated with the recovery of coral populations. Our model shows that the material legacy of dead skeletons broadens the range of herbivore biomass over which coral and macroalgae states are bistable. Hence, material legacies can alter resilience by modifying the underlying relationship between a system driver (herbivory) and a state variable (coral cover).
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10401265
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Ecology
- Volume:
- 104
- Issue:
- 4
- 0012-9658
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Ecosystem responses to disturbance depend on the nature of the perturbation and the ecological legacies left behind, making it critical to understand how climate‐driven changes in disturbance regimes modify resilience properties of ecosystems. For coral reefs, recent increases in severe marine heat waves now co‐occur with powerful storms, the historic agent of disturbance. While storms kill coral and remove their skeletons, heat waves bleach and kill corals but leave their skeletons intact. Here, we explored how the material legacy of dead coral skeletons modifies two key ecological processes that underpin coral reef resilience: the ability of herbivores to control macroalgae (spatial competitors of corals), and the replenishment of new coral colonies. Our findings, grounded by a major bleaching event at our long‐term study locale, revealed that the presence of structurally complex dead skeletons reduced grazing on turf algae by ~80%. For macroalgae, browsing was reduced by >40% on less preferred (unpalatable) taxa, but only by ~10% on more preferred taxa. This enabled unpalatable macroalgae to reach ~45% cover in 2 years. By contrast, herbivores prevented macroalgae from becoming established on adjacent reefs that lacked skeletons. Manipulation of unpalatable macroalgae revealed that the cover reached after 1 year (~20%) reduced recruitment of corals by 50%. The effect of skeletons on juvenile coral growth was contingent on the timing of settlement relative to the disturbance. If corals settled directly after bleaching (before macroalgae colonized), dead skeletons enhanced colony growth by 34%, but this benefit was lost if corals colonized dead skeletons a year after the disturbance once macroalgae had proliferated. These findings underscore how a material legacy from a changing disturbance regime can alter ecosystem resilience properties by disrupting key trophic and competitive interactions that shape post‐disturbance community dynamics.more » « less
Abstract Many coral reefs have shifted from coral‐ to macroalgae‐dominated community states, heightening the need to understand resilience of coral communities. Fishing on herbivores often reduces resilience of the coral state, as lower herbivory fosters macroalgal establishment. Despite the acknowledged importance of fishing, relatively little attention has been paid to how fishers change their behavior as macroalgae overgrow reefs, or how the resulting dynamic feedbacks might affect resilience. We address these questions in Moorea, French Polynesia, where local fishers target herbivorous fishes and where shifts to algal dominance have occurred on some lagoon reefs. We quantified fisher preferences for reef habitats where they target various taxa. For the two most ecologically important taxa of herbivores targeted in the fishery, parrotfish (Scaridae) and unicornfish (
Naso ), fishers preferred to harvest from locations with less macroalgae. We incorporated these habitat preferences into a spatially explicit social–ecological model of reef dynamics to explore consequences of changes in fishing behavior for resilience of the coral state, particularly following disturbance. Fishing that targets low‐macroalgae locations typically generates resilience by facilitating local recovery of herbivores and thus of coral in the less‐targeted macroalgae‐dominated patches. However, the resulting movement of fishers across the seascape can sometimes create fragility; if coral loss is widespread, avoidance of macroalgae concentrates fishing in patches having the highest coral cover, resulting in loss of coral via reduced herbivory. Our results emphasize that resilience and coral‐macroalgae regime shifts cannot be understood without considering humans as a dynamic part of the system. -
Abstract Mounting evidence suggests that fishing can be a major driver of coral‐to‐macroalgae regime shifts on tropical reefs. In many small‐scale coral reef fisheries, fishers target herbivorous fishes, which can weaken coral resilience via reduced herbivory on macroalgae that then outcompete corals. Previous models that explored the effects of harvesting herbivores revealed hysteresis in the herbivory–benthic state relationship that results in bistability of coral‐ and macroalgae‐dominated states over some levels of fishing pressure, which has been supported by empirical evidence. However, past models have not accounted for the functional differences among herbivores or how fisher selectivity for different herbivore functional groups may alter the benthic dynamics and resilience. Here, we use a dynamic model that links differential fishing on two key herbivore functional groups to the outcome of competitive dynamics between coral and macroalgae. We show that reef state depends not only on the level of fishing but also on the types of herbivores targeted by fishers. Selectively fishing browsing herbivores that are capable of consuming mature macroalgae (e.g., unicornfish) increases precariousness of the coral state by moving the system close to the coral‐to‐macroalgae tipping point. By contrast, selectively harvesting grazing herbivores that are only capable of preventing macroalgae from becoming established (e.g., parrotfishes) can increase catch yields substantially more before the tipping point is reached. However, this lower precariousness with increasing fishing effort comes at the cost of increasing the range of fishing effort over which coral and macroalgae are bistable; increasing hysteresis makes a regime shift triggered by a disturbance more difficult or impractical to reverse. Our results suggest that management strategies for small‐scale coral reef fisheries should consider how functional differences among harvested herbivores coupled with fisher selectivity influence benthic dynamics in light of the trade‐off between tipping point precariousness and coral recovery dynamics following large disturbances.
Abstract Human impacts are dramatically changing ecological communities, motivating research on resilience. Tropical reefs are increasingly undergoing transitions to short algal turf, a successional community that mediates either recovery to coral by allowing recruitment or transitions to longer turf/macroalgae. Intense herbivory limits turf height; subsequently, overfishing erodes resilience of the desirable coral-dominated reef state. Increased sedimentation also erodes resilience through smothering and herbivory suppression. In spite of this critical role, most herbivory studies on tropical reefs focus on fishes, and the contribution of urchins remains under-studied. To test how different herbivory and sedimentation scenarios impact turf resilience, we experimentally simulated, in situ, four future overfishing scenarios derived from patterns of fish and urchin loss in other reef systems and two future sedimentation regimes. We found urchins were critical to short turf resilience, maintaining this state even with reduced fish herbivory and increased sediment. Further, urchins cleared sediment, facilitating fish herbivory. This study articulates the likelihood of increased reliance on urchins on impacted reefs in the Anthropocene.
Ecological theory predicts that ecosystems with multiple basins of attraction can get locked in an undesired state, which has profound ecological and management implications. Despite their significance, alternative attractors have proven to be challenging to detect and characterize in natural communities. On coral reefs, it has been hypothesized that persistent coral-to-macroalgae “phase shifts” that can result from overfishing of herbivores and/or nutrient enrichment may reflect a regime shift to an alternate attractor, but, to date, the evidence has been equivocal. Our field experiments in Moorea, French Polynesia, revealed the following: (
i ) hysteresis existed in the herbivory–macroalgae relationship, creating the potential for coral–macroalgae bistability at some levels of herbivory, and (ii ) macroalgae were an alternative attractor under prevailing conditions in the lagoon but not on the fore reef, where ambient herbivory fell outside the experimentally delineated region of hysteresis. These findings help explain the different community responses to disturbances between lagoon and fore reef habitats of Moorea over the past several decades and reinforce the idea that reversing an undesired shift on coral reefs can be difficult. Our experimental framework represents a powerful diagnostic tool to probe for multiple attractors in ecological systems and, as such, can inform management strategies needed to maintain critical ecosystem functions in the face of escalating stresses.