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Title: The Dynamics of a Barotropic Current Impinging on an Ice Front
Abstract The vertical front of ice shelves represents a topographic barrier for barotropic currents that transport a considerable amount of heat toward the ice shelves. The blocking effect of the ice front on barotropic currents has recently been observed to substantially reduce the heat transport into the cavity beneath the Getz Ice Shelf in West Antarctica. We use an idealized numerical model to study the vorticity dynamics of an externally forced barotropic current at an ice front and the impact of ice shelf thickness, ice front steepness, and ocean stratification on the volume flux entering the cavity. Our simulations show that thicker ice shelves block a larger volume of the barotropic flow, in agreement with geostrophic theory. However, geostrophy breaks locally at the ice front, where relative vorticity and friction become essential for the flow to cross the discontinuity in water column thickness. The flow entering the cavity accelerates and induces high basal melt rates in the frontal region. Tilting the ice front, as undertaken in sigma-coordinate models, reduces this acceleration because the flow is more geostrophic. Viscous processes—typically exaggerated in low-resolution models—break the potential vorticity constraint and bring the flow deeper into the ice shelf cavity. The externally forced barotropic current can only enter the cavity if the stratification is weak, as strong vertical velocities are needed at the ice front to squeeze the water column beneath the ice shelf. If the stratification is strong, vertical velocities are suppressed and the barotropic flow is almost entirely blocked by the ice front. Significance Statement Ice shelves in West Antarctica are thinning, mostly from basal melting through oceanic heat entering the underlying ice shelf cavities. Thinning of ice shelves reduces their ability to buttress the grounded ice resting upstream, leading to sea level rise. To model the ice sheet’s contribution to sea level rise more accurately, the processes governing the oceanic heat flux into the ice shelf cavity must be articulated. This modeling study investigates the dynamics of a depth-independent current approaching the ice shelf; it corroborates previous findings on the blocking of such a current at the ice front. The amount of water that enters the cavity strongly depends on ice shelf thickness and ocean stratification. For a well-mixed ocean, the upper part of the flow can dive underneath the ice shelf and increase basal melting near the ice front. In a stratified ocean, the approaching depth-independent current is almost entirely blocked by the ice front.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Physical Oceanography
Page Range / eLocation ID:
2957 to 2973
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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