- Award ID(s):
- 2138734
- 10415235
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- 2023 SCEC Rheology Workshop
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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We explore the growth of lower-continental crust by examining the root of the Southern California Batholith, a ~ 500-km-long, paleo-arc segment of the Mesozoic California arc that lies between the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and northern Peninsular Ranges Batholith. We focus on the Cucamonga and San Antonio terranes located in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains where the deep root of the Mesozoic arc is exhumed by the Quaternary Cucamonga thrust fault. This lower- to mid-crustal cross section of the arc allows us to investigate: 1) the timing and rates of Mesozoic arc construction, 2) mechanisms of sediment incorporation into the lower crust, and 3) the interplay between mantle input and crustal recycling during arc magmatic surges. We use detrital zircon geochronology of 4 quartzites and paragneisses to investigate the origin of the lower-crustal Cucamonga paragneiss sequence, and U-Pb petrochronology of 26 orthogneisses to establish the timing of arc magmatism and granulite-facies metamorphism. We find that the Cucamonga paragneisses share broad similarities to Sur Series metasedimentary rocks in the Salinia terrane, suggesting that both were deposited in a Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic forearc or intra-arc basin. This basin was progressively underthrust beneath the arc during the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous and was metamorphosed during two high-grade (>750°C) migmatization events at ca. 124 and 89–75 Ma. These metamorphic events were associated with 100 m.y. of arc magmatism that lasted from 175 to 75 Ma and culminated in a magmatic surge from ca. 90–75 Ma. Field observations and petrochronology analyses indicate that partial melting of the underthrust Cucamonga metasedimentary rocks was triggered by emplacement of voluminous, mid-crustal tonalites and granodiorites. Partial melting of the metasedimentary rocks played a subsidiary role relative to mantle input in driving the Late Cretaceous magmatic flare-up event. Our observations demonstrate that tectonic incorporation of sediments into the lower crust led to structural, compositional and rheological changes in the architecture of the arc including vertical thickening. These structural changes created weak zones that preferentially focused deformation and promoted present-day reactivation along the Cucamonga thrust fault.more » « less
We explore the growth of lower-continental crust by examining the root of the Southern California Batholith, a ~ 500-km-long, paleo-arc segment of the Mesozoic California arc that lies between the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and northern Peninsular Ranges Batholith. We focus on the Cucamonga and San Antonio terranes located in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains where the deep root of the Mesozoic arc is exhumed by the Quaternary Cucamonga thrust fault. This lower- to mid-crustal cross section of the arc allows us to investigate: 1) the timing and rates of Mesozoic arc construction, 2) mechanisms of sediment incorporation into the lower crust, and 3) the interplay between mantle input and crustal recycling during arc magmatic surges. We use detrital zircon geochronology of 4 quartzites and paragneisses to investigate the origin of the lower-crustal Cucamonga paragneiss sequence, and U-Pb petrochronology of 26 orthogneisses to establish the timing of arc magmatism and granulite-facies metamorphism. We find that the Cucamonga paragneisses share broad similarities to Sur Series metasedimentary rocks in the Salinia terrane, suggesting that both were deposited in a Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic forearc or intra-arc basin. This basin was progressively underthrust beneath the arc during the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous and was metamorphosed during two high-grade (>750°C) migmatization events at ca. 124 and 89–75 Ma. These metamorphic events were associated with 100 m.y. of arc magmatism that lasted from 175 to 75 Ma and culminated in a magmatic surge from ca. 90–75 Ma. Field observations and petrochronology analyses indicate that partial melting of the underthrust Cucamonga metasedimentary rocks was triggered by emplacement of voluminous, mid-crustal tonalites and granodiorites. Partial melting of the metasedimentary rocks played a subsidiary role relative to mantle input in driving the Late Cretaceous magmatic flare-up event. Our observations demonstrate that tectonic incorporation of sediments into the lower crust led to structural, compositional and rheological changes in the architecture of the arc including vertical thickening. These structural changes created weak zones that preferentially focused deformation and promoted present-day reactivation along the Cucamonga thrust fault.more » « less
Abstract. The inception of the Laramide Orogeny in Southern California is marked by a Late Cretaceous arc flare-up in the Southern California Batholith (SCB) that was temporally and spatially associated with syn-plutonic development of a regionally extensive, transpressional shear zone system. This ~200 km-long system is the best analog for the shear zones that extend into the middle crust beneath the major lithotectonic block-bounding faults of the San Andreas Fault system. We focus on the Black Belt Shear Zone, which preserves an ancient brittle-ductile transition (BDT), and is exposed in the SE corner of the San Gabriel lithotectonic block. The mid-crustal Black Belt Shear Zone forms a ~1.5-2 km thick zone of mylonites developed within hornblende and biotite tonalites and diorites. Mylonitic fabrics strike SW and dip moderately to the NW, and kinematic indicators from the Black Belt Shear Zone generally give oblique top-to-SW, sinistral thrust-sense motion (present-day geometry). U-Pb zircon ages of host rock to the Black Belt mylonites demonstrate crystallization at ~86 Ma and metamorphism at ~79 Ma at temperatures ~753 ¡C. Syn-kinematic, metamorphic titanite grains aligned with mylonitic foliation in the Black Belt Shear Zone give an age of ~83 Ma. These data indicate syn-magmatic sinistral-reverse, transpressional deformation. The BDT rocks in the Black Belt Shear Zone are characterized by a ~10 m-thick section of high strain mylonites interlayered with co-planar cataclasite and pseudotachylyte (pst) seams. Microstructural and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis shows that the mylonites and cataclasites are mutually overprinted, and pst seams are overprinted by mylonitic fabric development. Pst survivor clasts show the same shear sense as the host mylonite, and this kinematic compatibility demonstrates a continuum between brittle and ductile deformation that is punctuated by high strain rate events resulting in the production of frictional melt. EBSD analysis reveals a decreasing content of hydrous maÞc mineral phases in host mylonite with increasing proximity to pst seams. This suggests that pst was generated by melting of hornblende and/or biotite, implying that coeval development of mid-crustal mylonites and pst does not require anhydrous melting conditions. Rather, the production of pst may liberate water, implying that BDT rock rheology is affected by transient pulses of water inßux and strain rate increases.more » « less
Robles, F. ; Schwartz, J. ; Miranda, E. ; Klepeis, K. ; and Mora-Klepeis, G. (Ed.)Ancient basement rocks in Southern California contain mechanical anisotropies that may influence the architecture of Quaternary faulting. We study exposed basement rocks found within the southeastern San Gabriel lithotectonic block with the intention of reconciling the relationship between inherited ductile fabrics and the geometry of Quaternary faults that are part of the San Andreas Fault system. By focusing our study on the southeastern corner of the San Gabriel block we can study the exposed lower- to middle crustal shear zone fabrics near where the Cucamonga Fault and the San Jacinto Fault intersect. The brittle Quaternary Cucamonga Thrust Fault strikes E-W and dips to the north-northeast (35-25°) and is localized at the range front and cuts these older fabrics, however there is also brittle deformation distal from the fault that also affects the sequence of lower- to middle crustal (6-8 kbar) granulite- to upper amphibolite facies mylonite and granulite-facies metasedimentary rocks. Near the Cucamonga Fault, mylonitic fabrics strike E-W and dip northeast (40-50°). Quaternary brittle faults that strike E-W and dip northeast (30-40°) reactivate the mvlonites and slickenlines and record a sinistral, top-to-the-west sense of shear. Investigation of host rocks indicates that they formed in the roots of a continental arc which was active from the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous (172-86 Ma) at 740-800°C. Ductile deformation was associated with granulite-facies metamorphism at approximately 30 km depth during the Late Cretaceous (88-74 Ma) at 730-800 °C. Our work shows that the exhumed Late Cretaceous mylonitic fabrics may have operated as stress guides during Quaternary faulting in the Cucamonga Fault zone. We conclude that these lower crustal fabrics influence the geometry and kinematics of late Cenozoic faulting of the Cucamonga and San Jacinto fault zones.more » « less
Abstract Quartz deformation fabrics reflect stress and strain conditions in mylonites, and their interpretation has become a mainstay of kinematic and structural analysis. Quantification of grain size and shape and interpretation of textures reflecting deformation mechanisms can provide estimates of flow stress, strain rate, kinematic vorticity, and deformation temperatures. Empirical calibration and determination of quartz flow laws is based on laboratory experiments of pure samples; however, pure quartzite mylonites are relatively uncommon. In particular, phyllosilicates may localize and partition strain that can inhibit or enhance different deformation mechanisms. Experimental results demonstrate that even minor phyllosilicate content (<15 vol%) can dramatically alter the strain behavior of quartz; however, few field studies have demonstrated these effects in a natural setting.
To investigate the role of phyllosilicates on quartz strain fabrics, we quantify phyllosilicate content and distribution in quartzite mylonites from the Miocene Raft River detachment shear zone (NW Utah, USA). We use microstructural analysis and electron backscatter diffraction to quantify quartz deformation fabrics and muscovite spatial distribution, and X-ray computed tomography to quantify muscovite content in samples with varying amounts of muscovite collected across the detachment shear zone. Phyllosilicate content has a direct control on quartz deformation mechanisms, and application of piezometers and flow laws based on quartz deformation fabrics yield strain rates and flow stresses that vary by up to two orders of magnitude across our samples. These findings have important implications for the application of flow laws in quartzite mylonites and strain localization mechanisms in mid-crustal shear zones.