Numerical simulations of turbulent moist Rayleigh–Bénard convection driving CCN activation and droplet growth in the laboratory Pi chamber are discussed. Supersaturation fluctuations come from isobaric mixing of warm and humid air rising from the lower boundary with colder air featuring lower water vapor concentrations descending from the upper boundary. Lagrangian particle–based microphysics is used to represent the growth of haze CCN and cloud droplets with kinetic, solute, and surface tension effects included. Dry CCN spectra in the range between 2- and 200-nm radii from field observations are considered. Increasing the total CCN concentration from pristine to polluted conditions results in an increase in the droplet concentration and reduction in the mean droplet radius and spectral width. These are in agreement with Pi chamber observations and numerical simulations, as well as with numerous past studies of CCN cloud-base activation in natural clouds. The key result is that a relatively small fraction of the available CCN is activated in the Pi chamber fluctuating supersaturations, from about a half in the pristine case to only a 10th in the polluted case. The activation fraction as a function of the dry CCN radius is similar in all simulations, close to zero at the CCN small end, increasing to a maximum at CCN radius around 50 nm, and decreasing to close to zero at the large CCN end. This is explained as too small supersaturations to activate small CCN as in natural clouds and insufficient time to allow large CCN reaching the critical radius.
Impact of turbulence on the formation and growth of cloud droplets is an important cloud physics problem. Laboratory experiments in the Michigan Technological University cloud chamber provide key insights into this problem. Numerical simulations of cloud chamber processes discussed in this paper complement laboratory experiments by providing insights difficult or impossible to obtain in the laboratory. The study contrasts the formation and growth of cloud droplets in the laboratory cloud chamber with processes taking place in natural clouds. The differences documented in this paper pose questions concerning the impact of turbulence on the formation and growth of cloud droplets as a result of interactions of clouds with their environment.