- Award ID(s):
- 2202960
- 10443207
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- International Mathematics Research Notices
- 1073-7928
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Buchin, Kevin ; Colin de Verdiere, Eric (Ed.)In this paper, we prove a two-sided variant of the Kirszbraun theorem. Consider an arbitrary subset X of Euclidean space and its superset Y. Let f be a 1-Lipschitz map from X to ℝ^m. The Kirszbraun theorem states that the map f can be extended to a 1-Lipschitz map ̃ f from Y to ℝ^m. While the extension ̃ f does not increase distances between points, there is no guarantee that it does not decrease distances significantly. In fact, ̃ f may even map distinct points to the same point (that is, it can infinitely decrease some distances). However, we prove that there exists a (1 + ε)-Lipschitz outer extension f̃:Y → ℝ^{m'} that does not decrease distances more than "necessary". Namely, ‖f̃(x) - f̃(y)‖ ≥ c √{ε} min(‖x-y‖, inf_{a,b ∈ X} (‖x - a‖ + ‖f(a) - f(b)‖ + ‖b-y‖)) for some absolutely constant c > 0. This bound is asymptotically optimal, since no L-Lipschitz extension g can have ‖g(x) - g(y)‖ > L min(‖x-y‖, inf_{a,b ∈ X} (‖x - a‖ + ‖f(a) - f(b)‖ + ‖b-y‖)) even for a single pair of points x and y. In some applications, one is interested in the distances ‖f̃(x) - f̃(y)‖ between images of points x,y ∈ Y rather than in the map f̃ itself. The standard Kirszbraun theorem does not provide any method of computing these distances without computing the entire map ̃ f first. In contrast, our theorem provides a simple approximate formula for distances ‖f̃(x) - f̃(y)‖.more » « less
Abstract We prove a 1979 conjecture of Lusztig on the cohomology of semi-infinite Deligne–Lusztig varieties attached to division algebras over local fields. We also prove the two conjectures of Boyarchenko on these varieties. It is known that in this setting, the semi-infinite Deligne–Lusztig varieties are ind-schemes comprised of limits of certain finite-type schemes X h {X_{h}} . Boyarchenko’s two conjectures are on the maximality of X h {X_{h}} and on the behavior of the torus-eigenspaces of their cohomology. Both of these conjectures were known in full generality only for division algebras with Hasse invariant 1 / n {1/n} in the case h = 2 {h=2} (the “lowest level”) by the work of Boyarchenko–Weinstein on the cohomology of a special affinoid in the Lubin–Tate tower. We prove that the number of rational points of X h {X_{h}} attains its Weil–Deligne bound, so that the cohomology of X h {X_{h}} is pure in a very strong sense. We prove that the torus-eigenspaces of the cohomology group H c i ( X h ) {H_{c}^{i}(X_{h})} are irreducible representations and are supported in exactly one cohomological degree. Finally, we give a complete description of the homology groups of the semi-infinite Deligne–Lusztig varieties attached to any division algebra, thus giving a geometric realization of a large class of supercuspidal representations of these groups. Moreover, the correspondence θ ↦ H c i ( X h ) [ θ ] {\theta\mapsto H_{c}^{i}(X_{h})[\theta]} agrees with local Langlands and Jacquet–Langlands correspondences. The techniques developed in this paper should be useful in studying these constructions for p -adic groups in general.more » « less
Abstract Projective varieties with ample cotangent bundle satisfy many notions of hyperbolicity, and one goal of this paper is to discuss generalizations to quasi-projective varieties. A major hurdle is that the naive generalization is false—the log cotangent bundle is never ample. Instead, we define a notion called almost ample that roughly asks that it is as positive as possible. We show that all subvarieties of a quasi-projective variety with almost ample log cotangent bundle are of log general type. In addition, if one assumes globally generated then we obtain that such varieties contain finitely many integral points. In another direction, we show that the Lang–Vojta conjecture implies the number of stably integral points on curves of log general type, and surfaces of log general type with almost ample log cotangent sheaf are uniformly bounded.
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