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Title: Molecular and electrophysiological characterization of anion transport in Arabidopsis thaliana pollen reveals regulatory roles for pH , Ca 2+ and GABA

We investigated the molecular basis and physiological implications of anion transport during pollen tube (PT) growth inArabidopsis thaliana(Col‐0).

Patch‐clamp whole‐cell configuration analysis of pollen grain protoplasts revealed three subpopulations of anionic currents differentially regulated by cytoplasmic calcium ([Ca2+]cyt). We investigated the pollen‐expressed proteinsAtSLAH3,AtALMT12,AtTMEM16 andAtCCCas the putative anion transporters responsible for these currents.

AtCCCGFPwas observed at the shank andAtSLAH3‐GFPat the tip and shank of thePTplasma membrane. Both are likely to carry the majority of anion current at negative potentials, as extracellular anionic fluxes measured at the tip ofPTs with an anion vibrating probe were significantly lower inslah3−/−andccc−/−mutants, but unaffected inalmt12−/−andtmem16−/−. We further characterised the effect ofpHandGABAby patch clamp. Strong regulation by extracellularpHwas observed in the wild‐type, but not intmem16−/−. Our results are compatible withAtTMEM16 functioning as an anion/H+cotransporter and therefore, as a putativepHsensor.GABApresence: (1) inhibited the overall currents, an effect that is abrogated in thealmt12−/−and (2) reduced the current inAtALMT12 transfectedCOS‐7 cells, strongly suggesting the direct interaction ofGABAwithAtALMT12.

Our data show thatAtSLAH3 andAtCCCactivity is sufficient to explain the major component of extracellular anion fluxes, and unveils a possible regulatory system linkingPTgrowth modulation bypH,GABA, and [Ca2+]cytthrough anionic transporters.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Publisher / Repository:
Date Published:
Journal Name:
New Phytologist
Page Range / eLocation ID:
p. 1353-1371
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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