When species simultaneously compete with two or more species of competitor, higher‐order interactions (HOIs) can lead to emergent properties not present when species interact in isolated pairs. To extend ecological theory to multi‐competitor communities, ecologists must confront the challenges of measuring and interpreting HOIs in models of competition fit to data from nature. Such efforts are hindered by the fact that different studies use different definitions, and these definitions have unclear relationships to one another. Here, we propose a distinction between ‘soft’ HOIs, which identify possible interaction modification by competitors, and ‘hard’ HOIs, which identify interactions uniquely emerging in systems with three or more competitors. We show how these two classes of HOI differ in their motivation and interpretation, as well as the tests one uses to identify them in models fit to data. We then show how to operationalise this structure of definitions by analysing the results of a simulated competition experiment underlain by a consumer resource model. In the course of doing so, we clarify the challenges of interpreting HOIs in nature, and suggest a more precise framing of this research endeavour to catalyse further investigations.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10445383
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Ecology Letters
- Volume:
- 25
- Issue:
- 7
- 1461-023X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- p. 1604-1617
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Location North America.
Time period 2001–2015.
Major taxa studied One hundred and seventy‐five bird species.
Methods We calculated variation in temporal occupancy across species’ geographic ranges and used variance partitioning and Bayesian hierarchical models to evaluate the relative importance of (a) the abundance of potential competitors and (b) the environment (elevation, temperature, precipitation, vegetation index) for determining temporal occupancy. We also created a null model to test whether designated competitor species predicted variation in temporal occupancy better than non‐competitor species.
Results On average, the environment explained more variance in temporal occupancy than competitor abundance, but this varied by species. For certain species, competitor abundance explained more variance than the environment. Migrant species with smaller range sizes and greater range overlap with competitors had a higher proportion of variance explained by competitor abundance than the environment. The abundance of competitor species had a stronger effect on focal species temporal occupancy than non‐competitor species in the null model.
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ABSTRACT A key to understanding life's great diversity is discerning how competing organisms divide limiting resources to coexist in diverse communities. While temporal resource partitioning has long been hypothesized to reduce the negative effects of interspecific competition, empirical evidence suggests that time may not often be an axis along which animal species routinely subdivide resources. Here, we present evidence to the contrary in the world's most biodiverse group of animals: insect parasites (parasitoids). Specifically, we conducted a meta‐analysis of 64 studies from 41 publications to determine if temporal resource partitioning
via variation in the timing of a key life‐history trait, egg deposition (oviposition), mitigates interspecific competition between species pairs sharing the same insect host. When competing species were manipulated to oviposit at (or near) the same time in or on a single host in the laboratory, competition was common, and one species was typically inherently superior (i.e. survived to adulthood a greater proportion of the time). In most cases, however, the inferior competitor could gain a survivorship advantage by ovipositing earlier (or in a smaller number of cases later) into shared hosts. Moreover, this positive (or in a few cases negative) priority advantage gained by the inferior competitor increased as the interval between oviposition times became greater. The results from manipulative experiments were also correlated with patterns of life‐history timing and demography in nature: the more inherently competitively inferior a species was in the laboratory, the greater the interval between oviposition times of taxa in co‐occurring populations. Additionally, the larger the interval between oviposition times of competing taxa, the more abundant the inferior species was in populations where competitors were known to coexist. Overall, our findings suggest that temporal resource partitioningvia variation in oviposition timing may help to facilitate species coexistence and structures diverse insect communities by altering demographic measures of species success. We argue that the lack of evidence for a more prominent role of temporal resource partitioning in promoting species coexistence may reflect taxonomic differences, with a bias towards larger‐sized animals. For smaller species like parasitic insects that are specialized to attack one or a group of closely related hosts, have short adult lifespans and discrete generation times, compete directly for limited resources in small, closed arenas and have life histories constrained by host phenology, temporal resource subdivisionvia variation in life history may play a critical role in allowing species to coexist by alleviating the negative effects of interspecific competition.